The medical mafia"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way."---Dr Eva Snead
[The worldwide Elite (Boss) of Allopathy. Aka The Drug Trust, Medical Monopoly, Cartel or Industry. Think IG Farben and Medical Fascism. Only the top people in Allopathy know the whole truth on Allopathic medicine, and covert-vaccine agendas. Most visible entity would be the AMA whose antics over the years make Pol Pot look like a choir boy (he, incidentally, was funded by the CIA).
Best expose in book form is The Medical Mafia by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D, Naked Empress by Hans Ruesch & The Drug Story by Morris Beale. How the Drug Trust took over medicine can be read in Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins. How they suppressed Homeopathy can be read in Divided Legacy Vol 3: by Harris L. Coulter. Suppressed or ignored dozens of disease cures in cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, cot-death, infections, arthritis, heart disease etc, as this Tyrant runs on Power & money fuelled by fear of disease, propaganda & it's covert monopoly. Ego denial helps keep her in power. This Empress when naked is Satanic (vaccination: 666) & run by psychopaths. One of the main money sources for the Elite, hence its power. Just like most soldiers have no idea about the real reasons for wars like Iraq, most medical workers have no idea Allopathy is run purely for profit, and is out to harm and kill--- most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it.1 . To see its true nature exposed see one of its main rackets--Cancer.]