Autism increasing dramatically... why?
        After reading the articles below on why there is an increase in Autism since 1989, you will find there are two schools of thought. There is one group that states vaccines, especially mercury-based (thimerosal) vaccines, contribute significantly to the rate of Autism. They also feel that the increase is not due to expanded diagnosis techiques.
        The other group states that autism is not caused by thimerosal. "Nobody knows what causes autism." As with most studies by the government, or pharmaceutical industries, I naturally tend to be wary of their intent due to their long history of lying to the public for their own monetary gain.
        If a victim group of parents, scientists, and watch groups perform independent studies showing cause and effect, I will believe them before I believe the pharmaceutical industry. Sorry. The big pharma companies have simply blown their credibility.

2006: Generation Rescue read
2006: A mixed bag read
2002: Science Daily read

2008: Here is one dissenting view from AutismVox. read

Autismvox is an Autism support site for those kids already afflicted with Autism. The site appears to completely reject the idea of vaccine and autism link.