The medical mafia
"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way."---Dr Eva Snead
[The worldwide Elite (Boss) of Allopathy. Aka The Drug Trust, Medical Monopoly, Cartel or Industry. Think IG Farben and Medical Fascism. Only the top people in Allopathy know the whole truth on Allopathic medicine, and covert-vaccine agendas. Most visible entity would be the AMA whose antics over the years make Pol Pot look like a choir boy (he, incidentally, was funded by the CIA).
Best expose in book form is The Medical Mafia by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D, Naked Empress by Hans Ruesch & The Drug Story by Morris Beale. How the Drug Trust took over medicine can be read in Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins. How they suppressed Homeopathy can be read in Divided Legacy Vol 3: by Harris L. Coulter. Suppressed or ignored dozens of disease cures in cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, cot-death, infections, arthritis, heart disease etc, as this Tyrant runs on Power & money fuelled by fear of disease, propaganda & it's covert monopoly. Ego denial helps keep her in power. This Empress when naked is Satanic (vaccination: 666) & run by psychopaths. One of the main money sources for the Elite, hence its power. Just like most soldiers have no idea about the real reasons for wars like Iraq, most medical workers have no idea Allopathy is run purely for profit, and is out to harm and kill--- most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it.1 . To see its true nature exposed see one of its main rackets--Cancer.] read
Vaccine Disease Racket
Some of the diseases caused by vaccination. It is testimony to the power of the medical cartel (derived from big brother) that they have got away with admitting just a handful. eg Chronic arthritis, Thrombocytopenic Purpura, & polio. Even when they pay out, through government, for diseases (or death) such as MS, they never actually admit, legally, any connection, and may even fix things (one euphemism used: "science has moved on") so that past payouts are now deemed not connected to any vaccine (read). See what vaccine victims go through and how they intimidated transverse myelitis experts. They have circled the wagons to deny vaccine autism, it could be the last time they manage to suppress the truth about the real effects of vaccination, let's hope it sinks the whole stinking racket. You can easily see the lies when they say MMR is safe even though they pay out for deaths. read
Some of the diseases caused by vaccination. It is testimony to the power of the medical cartel (derived from big brother) that they have got away with admitting just a handful. eg Chronic arthritis, Thrombocytopenic Purpura, & polio. Even when they pay out, through government, for diseases (or death) such as MS, they never actually admit, legally, any connection, and may even fix things (one euphemism used: "science has moved on") so that past payouts are now deemed not connected to any vaccine (read). See what vaccine victims go through and how they intimidated transverse myelitis experts. They have circled the wagons to deny vaccine autism, it could be the last time they manage to suppress the truth about the real effects of vaccination, let's hope it sinks the whole stinking racket. You can easily see the lies when they say MMR is safe even though they pay out for deaths. read
Mystery illness paralyses girl given cervical cancer jab
Daniel Foggo and Philip Cardy
A 12-year-old schoolgirl has been left paralysed from the waist down by a mystery illness that came on 30 minutes after she was given the new anticervical cancer jab.
Ashleigh Cave suffered dizziness and headaches soon after the vaccination at her school and then deteriorated rapidly, collapsing several times over the following days.
A week later she was admitted to hospital after losing all strength in her legs and, two months on, there has been no improvement. read
Daniel Foggo and Philip Cardy
A 12-year-old schoolgirl has been left paralysed from the waist down by a mystery illness that came on 30 minutes after she was given the new anticervical cancer jab.
Ashleigh Cave suffered dizziness and headaches soon after the vaccination at her school and then deteriorated rapidly, collapsing several times over the following days.
A week later she was admitted to hospital after losing all strength in her legs and, two months on, there has been no improvement. read
Melamine In China Soybeans
Fed To Organic Poultry!
By Patricia Doyle, PhD
12 -1-8
Hello Jeff - As you can see, the US has revised Melamine 'tolerable' daily intake. This is yet another travesty being perpetrated on the American public by the FDA criminals.
Are we SO indebted to China that our government would allow its people to be poisoned by Chinese food and food products? The answer is YES.
It is not just in one food item, now we see it used as fertilizer thus poisoning our crops...both organic and factory-farmed. Organic soybeans from China are contaminated with it. It is used in powdered milk thus poisoning baby formula. It is likely in other milk-based and milk-product containing products like Ensure and other medical food supplements. Just about any food on the food pyramid probably has some melamine in it now...thanks to China. The slow poisoning of an enemy would make ancient Chinese military tacticians proud.
So, people who eat more than one food item are going to be getting more than trace levels of Melamine. All products now in dairy, vegetables, bakery goods and itemsusing GLUTEN and WHEAT GLUTEN contain more Melamine. Is there any food that won't have some Melamine in it?
No wonder 'rare' kidney cancers are exploding. read
Melamine In China Soybeans
Fed To Organic Poultry!
By Patricia Doyle, PhD
12 -1-8
Hello Jeff - As you can see, the US has revised Melamine 'tolerable' daily intake. This is yet another travesty being perpetrated on the American public by the FDA criminals.
Are we SO indebted to China that our government would allow its people to be poisoned by Chinese food and food products? The answer is YES.
It is not just in one food item, now we see it used as fertilizer thus poisoning our crops...both organic and factory-farmed. Organic soybeans from China are contaminated with it. It is used in powdered milk thus poisoning baby formula. It is likely in other milk-based and milk-product containing products like Ensure and other medical food supplements. Just about any food on the food pyramid probably has some melamine in it now...thanks to China. The slow poisoning of an enemy would make ancient Chinese military tacticians proud.
So, people who eat more than one food item are going to be getting more than trace levels of Melamine. All products now in dairy, vegetables, bakery goods and itemsusing GLUTEN and WHEAT GLUTEN contain more Melamine. Is there any food that won't have some Melamine in it?
No wonder 'rare' kidney cancers are exploding. read
Chinese Melamine In Our
Food WAY Before 2007
By Patricia Doyle, PhD
FDA. (Might as well be the Food And Death Administration).
The FDA first said that Melamine levels, any levels were unacceptable. Now, because we found it in US baby formula and because the US is so indebted to China, the FDA says the levels in the formula ARE acceptable and there is no danger, don't worry, be happy...the formula is safe. How can ANY level of a plastics ingredient be safe? It can't. This is as ludicrous as California's setting of 'safe' levels of pesticides and herbicides for children in the state's fruits and vegetables. read
Chinese Melamine In Our
Food WAY Before 2007
By Patricia Doyle, PhD
FDA. (Might as well be the Food And Death Administration).
The FDA first said that Melamine levels, any levels were unacceptable. Now, because we found it in US baby formula and because the US is so indebted to China, the FDA says the levels in the formula ARE acceptable and there is no danger, don't worry, be happy...the formula is safe. How can ANY level of a plastics ingredient be safe? It can't. This is as ludicrous as California's setting of 'safe' levels of pesticides and herbicides for children in the state's fruits and vegetables. read
What is the #1 Killer in America?
By Mary Tocco
May 24, 2008
As I speak to parents around the country, one of my goals is to empower them into making educated healthcare decisions. In order to do that, we must understand that what we are sold as healthcare in this country has completely misses the mark. I do not want to sound like I am anti-medical because I am grateful we have all the modern, acute trauma care capabilities available in hospitals around the country. I have, on a few occasions, utilized trauma care while raising my five children and always left with a little more respect for the care and the doctors who were there for us when we needed them.
I personally do not believe that healthy children and adults need drugs to remain healthy or to build immunity as in the case of vaccines. As one who has personally investigated childhood vaccines for over 27 years, I am shocked and very concerned with the current health of our precious children. They are indoctrinated from birth into this system of “sickness care” that has taken over this country in the last 30-40 years, witnessed during my lifetime. Consider the following statistics:
• The #1 cause of death and injury in America is medical errors…784,000 people die from medical mistakes. Over 2.2 million people are injured every year by prescription drugs alone and over 20 million unnecessary prescriptions are prescribed of antibiotics annually for viral infections. (A 7 Year study Nutritional Institute of America- October 24, 2003 Deadly Medical Mistakes Exposed, Gary Null (646)505-4660 x 155)
• 7.5 million Unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed every year and 8.9 million people are needlessly hospitalized annually. Consider this quote; “I was completely shocked, amazed and dismayed when I first added up all the statistics on medical death and saw how much allopathic medicine has betrayed us.” Carolyn Dean, MD, a physician and author who helped uncover findings for this study.
• “It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. (783,936 costing 282 billion).” NIA October 24, 2003
What is the #1 Killer in America?
By Mary Tocco
May 24, 2008
As I speak to parents around the country, one of my goals is to empower them into making educated healthcare decisions. In order to do that, we must understand that what we are sold as healthcare in this country has completely misses the mark. I do not want to sound like I am anti-medical because I am grateful we have all the modern, acute trauma care capabilities available in hospitals around the country. I have, on a few occasions, utilized trauma care while raising my five children and always left with a little more respect for the care and the doctors who were there for us when we needed them.
I personally do not believe that healthy children and adults need drugs to remain healthy or to build immunity as in the case of vaccines. As one who has personally investigated childhood vaccines for over 27 years, I am shocked and very concerned with the current health of our precious children. They are indoctrinated from birth into this system of “sickness care” that has taken over this country in the last 30-40 years, witnessed during my lifetime. Consider the following statistics:
• The #1 cause of death and injury in America is medical errors…784,000 people die from medical mistakes. Over 2.2 million people are injured every year by prescription drugs alone and over 20 million unnecessary prescriptions are prescribed of antibiotics annually for viral infections. (A 7 Year study Nutritional Institute of America- October 24, 2003 Deadly Medical Mistakes Exposed, Gary Null (646)505-4660 x 155)
• 7.5 million Unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed every year and 8.9 million people are needlessly hospitalized annually. Consider this quote; “I was completely shocked, amazed and dismayed when I first added up all the statistics on medical death and saw how much allopathic medicine has betrayed us.” Carolyn Dean, MD, a physician and author who helped uncover findings for this study.
• “It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. (783,936 costing 282 billion).” NIA October 24, 2003
Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans than Illegal Drugs
A report by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission has concluded that prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death.
An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines put together. According to state law enforcement officials, this is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem.
"The abuse has reached epidemic proportions," said Lisa McElhaney, a sergeant in the pharmaceutical drug diversion unit of the Broward County Sheriff's Office. "It's just explosive."
In 2007, was responsible for 843 deaths, heroin for 121, methamphetamines for 25 and marijuana for zero, for a total of 989 deaths. In contrast, 2,328 people were killed by opioid painkillers, including Vicodin and Oxycontin, and 743 were killed by drugs containing benzodiazepine, including the depressants Valium and Xanax.
Alcohol directly caused 466 deaths, but was found in the bodies of 4,179 cadavers in all. read
A report by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission has concluded that prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death.
An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines put together. According to state law enforcement officials, this is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem.
"The abuse has reached epidemic proportions," said Lisa McElhaney, a sergeant in the pharmaceutical drug diversion unit of the Broward County Sheriff's Office. "It's just explosive."
In 2007, was responsible for 843 deaths, heroin for 121, methamphetamines for 25 and marijuana for zero, for a total of 989 deaths. In contrast, 2,328 people were killed by opioid painkillers, including Vicodin and Oxycontin, and 743 were killed by drugs containing benzodiazepine, including the depressants Valium and Xanax.
Alcohol directly caused 466 deaths, but was found in the bodies of 4,179 cadavers in all. read
Big Pharma May be Handed Blanket Immunity for All Drug Side Effects, Deaths
(NaturalNews) The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.
Under a legal argument known as "pre-emption," the FDA's approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility if that drug later turns out to be dangerous, even if information was concealed from the FDA during the approval process. While courts have rejected this argument for decades, the winds appear to be shifting.
In February, the Supreme Court ruled that makers of medical devices were indeed immune from state lawsuits if their devices had received FDA approval. But that decision hinged on the specific wording of the law that gives the FDA authority over medical devices, and the laws relating to drug regulation are not worded the same way. Read
(NaturalNews) The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.
Under a legal argument known as "pre-emption," the FDA's approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility if that drug later turns out to be dangerous, even if information was concealed from the FDA during the approval process. While courts have rejected this argument for decades, the winds appear to be shifting.
In February, the Supreme Court ruled that makers of medical devices were indeed immune from state lawsuits if their devices had received FDA approval. But that decision hinged on the specific wording of the law that gives the FDA authority over medical devices, and the laws relating to drug regulation are not worded the same way. Read
Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Fraud
By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.
November 3, 2008
For several years the pharmaceutical firm has made aggressive efforts to market the Gardasil human papilloma virus vaccine as a prevention for cervical cancer. The governor of the state of Texas made the administration of this vaccine to young girls mandatory.
What is the truth about this vaccine?
Natural News reporter Mike Adams has uncovered some interesting facts about this vaccine. The FDA has been aware since 2003 that Human Papillloma Virus [1] does not cause cervical cancer. The Gardasil vaccine is unable to eradicate HPV virus from women who have been exposed to HPV(nearly all sexually active women). This makes vaccinating all young women in Texas against HPV virus a very questionable decision. READ
By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.
November 3, 2008
For several years the pharmaceutical firm has made aggressive efforts to market the Gardasil human papilloma virus vaccine as a prevention for cervical cancer. The governor of the state of Texas made the administration of this vaccine to young girls mandatory.
What is the truth about this vaccine?
Natural News reporter Mike Adams has uncovered some interesting facts about this vaccine. The FDA has been aware since 2003 that Human Papillloma Virus [1] does not cause cervical cancer. The Gardasil vaccine is unable to eradicate HPV virus from women who have been exposed to HPV(nearly all sexually active women). This makes vaccinating all young women in Texas against HPV virus a very questionable decision. READ
Former Pill Pusher for 'BigPharma' Likened His Training to Spy Agencies
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 19 September 2008, 8:58 p.m.
Former drug salesman Shahram Ahari, says that he likened his work schmoozing with doctors to training in spy agencies.
Hmmmm.... how would he know??? Did he also train in spy agencies???
The pill pushers
By Alex Roslin
When Shahram Ahari went to work at pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly straight out of college in New Jersey, he was hired to do a job that few people know exists. Even the job title would be a mystery to most people. Ahari was going to be a “detailer”.
His job was to schmooze with doctors in order to get them to prescribe Lilly’s drugs. He was really a salesman, but he was also much more. His tools included everything from free drugs to offers of lucrative speaking engagements, even trips. He’d bring medical residents pizza for lunch or invite a doctor to dinner at an exclusive restaurant. He’d do anything to improve sales in his New York City district, which meant a bigger bonus.
The first hint of the strange world Ahari had entered came when he was brought to Indianapolis for Lilly’s intensive, six-week boot camp for detailers. There, he met his fellow trainees. They were hundreds of fellow college grads, mostly in their mid-20s, perhaps two-thirds of them women, the vast majority beautiful.
“They were 200 or 300 of the most attractive people I had ever seen,” he said in a phone interview. “The physical appeal was only part of it. They were vivacious, well-coiffured, well-dressed, engaging people.”
Ahari soon learned that charisma was more important in his new job than, say, medical or scientific knowledge. He was the only one in his class of 22 trainees with a science degree, he said.
The training was part CIA, part Freud. He learned to immediately spot items in a doctor’s office that could be used to strike up a personal conversation and, ultimately, friendship: golf paraphernalia, photos of trips or kids, religious items. The information would later be entered into the company’s file on the doctor and analyzed for future approaches.
Long article... read it all at
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 19 September 2008, 8:58 p.m.
Former drug salesman Shahram Ahari, says that he likened his work schmoozing with doctors to training in spy agencies.
Hmmmm.... how would he know??? Did he also train in spy agencies???
The pill pushers
By Alex Roslin
When Shahram Ahari went to work at pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly straight out of college in New Jersey, he was hired to do a job that few people know exists. Even the job title would be a mystery to most people. Ahari was going to be a “detailer”.
His job was to schmooze with doctors in order to get them to prescribe Lilly’s drugs. He was really a salesman, but he was also much more. His tools included everything from free drugs to offers of lucrative speaking engagements, even trips. He’d bring medical residents pizza for lunch or invite a doctor to dinner at an exclusive restaurant. He’d do anything to improve sales in his New York City district, which meant a bigger bonus.
The first hint of the strange world Ahari had entered came when he was brought to Indianapolis for Lilly’s intensive, six-week boot camp for detailers. There, he met his fellow trainees. They were hundreds of fellow college grads, mostly in their mid-20s, perhaps two-thirds of them women, the vast majority beautiful.
“They were 200 or 300 of the most attractive people I had ever seen,” he said in a phone interview. “The physical appeal was only part of it. They were vivacious, well-coiffured, well-dressed, engaging people.”
Ahari soon learned that charisma was more important in his new job than, say, medical or scientific knowledge. He was the only one in his class of 22 trainees with a science degree, he said.
The training was part CIA, part Freud. He learned to immediately spot items in a doctor’s office that could be used to strike up a personal conversation and, ultimately, friendship: golf paraphernalia, photos of trips or kids, religious items. The information would later be entered into the company’s file on the doctor and analyzed for future approaches.
Long article... read it all at
Gardasil Meets Measles... A Coincidence?
Aug. 25, 2008
The bad news about GARDASIL vaccine keeps getting worse and it was only a matter of time before government health officials promoted an "epidemic" to deflect attention from GARDASIL risks and create an excuse to point accusing fingers at parents who decline to give their children one or more of the 16 federally promoted vaccines.
They did the same thing in 1985, when publicity about DPT vaccine reactions prompted officials at the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics to allege there were whooping cough epidemics in eight states due to parents rejecting DPT. Then as now, the cases of disease were divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated children and adults, which is hardly big news.
The government's dire warnings came late last week after newspaper articles examined the muscle that Merck used to get GARDASIL fast tracked and licensed, followed by an aggressive multi-media advertising and lobbying campaign targeting teenage girls which has already netted the big pharmaceutical company more than $1.5 billion in sales worldwide. The New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial discussed in the Wall Street Journal asking good questions about the evidence for long term protection and cost effectiveness of mass use of GARDASIL vaccine, questions that NVIC first raised in 2007.
And new concerns are being voiced about whether the vaccine is safe to give to adolescent girls, whose bodies are undergoing hormonal changes, as no studies have been published to evaluate whether there are increased risks for vaccine reactions depending upon when the vaccine is administered during a girl's monthly hormonal cycle.
Last week, a CDC apparently weary of all the bad publicity about GARDASIL got its taxpayer-funded PR machine in gear and issued a media advisory warning that 131 cases of measles have been reported in the U.S. this year and that half of those cases involved unvaccinated children whose parents homeschooled their children or held religious or philosophical beliefs opposing use of one or more vaccines. National news stories and local news coverage examined the measles outbreaks and allegations of growing parental vaccine refusal.
The New York Times published an editorial and repeated unsubstantiated claims made by the CDC about the numbers of children, who were injured and died from measles in the past, stating that there were 400-500 deaths; 48,000 hospitalizations and 1,000 cases of brain injury out of 3-4 million measles cases every year prior to mass use of measles vaccine. A quick look at MMWR historical charts reveals that the highest number of reported cases of measles in the U.S. since 1945 (and before the measles vaccine was licensed in 1963) was 763,094 cases in 1958. Why don't CDC officials publicly release the documented cases of hospitalization, injury and death due to measles in that year - or ANY year - instead of demanding blind faith in their version of the facts? (For decades, parents have been waiting for the CDC to document the widely published allegation that there are "36,000 deaths" due to influenza every year in the U.S., a statistic that is promoted to justify new directives that every baby and child through age 18 get annual flu shots.)
The publicizing of 131 cases of measles out of a population of 300 million people in the U.S. and blaming the "outbreak" on 63 cases that occurred in unvaccinated children, whose parents hold religious or conscientious objections to vaccination or homeschool, is a transparent attempt by federal employees to persecute fellow citizens holding religious beliefs, moral convictions, intellectual positions and wellness lifestyles different from their own. Adopting a strategy that "the best defense is a good offense," CDC officials are whipping up fear of those who do not vaccinate in order to cover up a three decade refusal to scientifically investigate reports of children regressing into autism and other kinds of chronic illness after administration of MMR and other vaccines. They know the truth about vaccine risks is becoming more widely known and are lobbying hard for removal vaccine exemptions they do not control so all Americans will be forced without exception to get every vaccine marketed by industry and mandated by government officials.
The premature licensure and universal use recommendation of GARDASIL is just the latest example of what is wrong with the mass vaccination system. If there is a crisis of confidence in the safety of vaccines, which prompts parents to ask pediatricians more questions and seek alternative health care options for keeping their children well, that crisis of confidence can be laid squarely at the feet of those operating the mass vaccination system for failing to do their job. As Generation Rescue founder J.B. Handley recently commented, "Most parents I know will take measles over autism.
There is a 92 to 100 percent uptake of MMR vaccine and many other federally recommended childhood vaccines among children entering kindergarten in every state. This is one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, especially in such a large population. If the MMR vaccine is so unreliable that a few hundred cases or even a few thousand cases of measles among 300 million people is a cause for panic, then the benefits of MMR vaccine weighed against its risks are far less than industry, government and medical organizations have admitted.
In the 1960's, when the live virus measles vaccine was licensed, parents were told it would give their babies the same lifelong immunity that having the natural disease confers. By the late 1980's, it was clear that was not true because measles was occurring in both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Government officials eventually recommended another dose of measles vaccine (usually given as MMR) for all children even though there were outstanding questions about the multiplication of different genetic strains of measles and how this may affect the vaccine's ability to prevent measles on an individual and population basis long term.
Today's young mothers do not have qualitatively superior measles antibodies to transfer to their newborns to protect them in the first year of life as past generations of mothers did because most young mothers giving birth today have been vaccinated and never had measles as children, which confers lifelong immunity. So babies born today are vulnerable to measles from birth instead of from ages 15 months to six years, which is when most children in the past experienced measles by age six and severe complications were rare. For several decades, vaccinologists have been attempting to create a "high titer" EZ measles vaccine that can be given to infants under one year that will override any existing natural maternal antibodies and replace them with vaccine induced antibodies but there have been long-standing questions about EZ measles vaccine safety.
Vaccination does not mimic the natural disease process and offers only temporary immunity, which is why vaccine boosters are frequently given. Every vaccine carries a reaction risk that can be greater for some than others. Measles vaccine, which is part of the combination live virus MMR (measles-mumps- rubella) vaccine can cause brain inflammation and permanent brain damage. There have been more than 46,000 reports of health problems associated with MMR vaccination made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) . However, there is gross underreporting of vaccine- related health problems to VAERS and it is estimated that, for example, fewer than 4 percent of all cases of thrombocytopenia (potentially fatal blood disorder) following MMR vaccination are ever reported to VAERS.
The CDC's one-size-fits-all, no-exceptions MMR vaccine policies allow almost no contraindications to MMR vaccine use. According to the CDC, a child can be sick at the time of vaccination or recovering from an illness; have a fever; be taking antibiotics; have a history of allergies; or have experienced a seizure or regression after a previous MMR shot and still be eligible for more MMR vaccine. This kind of cavalier disregard for minimizing vaccine risks is one reason why more parents are questioning government vaccine policies.
Parents, whether they do or do not vaccinate their children, should become informed and clearly understand the symptoms and complications of every infectious disease, including measles. Parents who choose to vaccinate should have a 99 to 100 percent guarantee that the vaccine will, indeed protect their child. They should have a similar guarantee that the vaccine will not injure or kill their child.
Like all pharmaceutical products, vaccines should be subject to the law of supply and demand. When people are captive and unable to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccines that have been rushed to market on greased skids by federal health agencies, where every vaccine reaction is unscientifically labeled a "coincidence," the first casualty is freedom and the second is the health of innocent children.
Public health officials and pediatricians should explain why 20 percent of America's highly vaccinated child population suffers with chronic illness and disability rather than blaming parents who refuse to salute smartly and take the risk of watching the child they love become one more victim of vaccine damage.
To report a vaccine reaction to NVIC's Vaccine Reaction Registry, go to
To view vaccine reaction reports, go to the Vaccine VictimMemorial at
"Ms. Kim and Harvard colleague Sue Goldie concluded that it cost about $43,600 per "quality- adjusted life year" gained, when HPV vaccine is administered to 12-year-old girls. This falls below the $50,000 per quality-adjusted life year threshold that some researchers use as a maximum for cost- effectiveness. Other researchers use a higher maximum benchmark of $100,000 per QALY to gauge cost-effectiveness..... At least one of the factors in the primary Harvard calculations may be a relatively optimistic assumption -- that vaccination would produce lifelong immunity. Because the vaccine was only studied for five years and has been on the market for two years, no one knows for certain if its protection is lifelong, or if it wanes over time. The Harvard researchers concluded that the cost per QALY would rise if the vaccine's effect wanes after 10 years. Merck says the vaccine will offer protection well beyond five years, Dr. Haupt said. The Merck economic model that arrived at the cost per QALY below $50,000 assumed lifelong immunity, he said. Still, the study is likely to fuel skepticism about Gardasil, which has already faced questions surrounding its safety and effectiveness (Merck and the CDC maintain it is safe and effective, with the most common side effect being soreness at site of injection.)" - Peter Loftus, Wall Street Journal (August 21, 2008)
"Why has there not been any mention of the potentially adverse effects of Merck's cervical cancer vaccination, Gardasil® in relationship to the timing of the vaccination and where a young woman is in her menstrual cycle? This information is especially critical considering the vaccination is recommended for adolescent girls from the age of nine to young women up to 26-years. Why is it that women are constantly forced into a male medical model which blatantly ignores their menstrual health and administers drugs, surgeries, and vaccinations without any regard to where women are in their hormone cycle?....As the female hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease during the premenstrual phase, the female body begins the process of releasing the uterine lining in the act of menstruation. The decrease in hormones actually affects a woman's energy levels and her emotions. The immune system becomes more compromised, and that translates to a lowered defense system to fight off invading, foreign toxins..... In her 1977 groundbreaking book, "The Premenstrual Syndrome", Katharina Dalton noted that drug reactions ".....are common during the premenstruum and may follow administration of antibiotics and inoculations. Confusion may occur as to the real origin of such reactions. In double-blind, clinical trials the placebo drugs are often reported to have side effects such as increased drowsiness, headache, nausea, or increased pain; which may be no more than the usual premenstrual symptoms which have not been meticulously observed and reported." - Leslie Carol Botha and H. Sandra Chevalier-Batik, Holy Hormones (August 21, 2008)
"Measles cases in the U.S. are at the highest level in more than a decade, with nearly half of those involving children whose parents rejected vaccination, health officials reported Thursday. Worried doctors are troubled by the trend fueled by unfounded fears that vaccines may cause autism. The number of cases is still small, just 131, but that's only for the first seven months of the year. There were only 42 cases for all of last year.....The CDC's review found that a number of cases involved home-schooled children not required to get the vaccines. Others can avoid vaccination by seeking exemptions, such as for religious reasons.....The vaccine is considered highly effective but not perfect; 11 of this year's cases had at least one dose of the vaccine. Of this year's total, 122 were unvaccinated or had unknown vaccination status. Some were unvaccinated because the children were under age 1 - too young to get their first measles shot. In 63 of those cases - almost all of them 19 or under - the patient or their parents refused the shots for philosophical or religious reasons, the CDC reported. In Washington state, an outbreak was traced to a church conference, including 16 school-aged children who were not vaccinated. Eleven of those kids were home schooled and not subject to vaccination rules in public schools. It's unclear why the parents rejected the vaccine. The Illinois outbreak - triggered by a teenager who had traveled to Italy - included 25 home-schooled children, according to the CDC report." - Mike Stobbe, Associated Press (August 21, 2008)
"He was advanced for his age. He was talking when he was 11 months old," recalls Edward Delean. The father of 4 says everything changed after his now 9 year old son who has autism was vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella or MMR. It was like that was it. He never talked again, he still doesn't talk. He has about 10 words," he says, adding, "it really devastated our family. I just destroyed us." Testimonials like that have led some parents to shun vaccinations altogether. The Centers for Disease Control says measles cases have dramatically increased from 42 cases in all of last year to 131 in just the first seven months of this year because of parents who are rejecting the MMR vaccine for their kids. "It doesn't serve us well when we have government officials trying to create fear and anxiety" says Barbara Loe Fisher with the National Vaccine Information Center. She says some parents opt out of immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons. Others have said no because their kids have had adverse reactions to the vaccines that are usually given on a set schedule. "Right now we're seeing a one-size fits all approach to vaccination that doesn't really recognize that children are different, that children react differently to vaccinations," she says." - Nancy Yamada, WUSA9-TV (August 21, 2008)
Gardasil Meets Measles... A Coincidence?
Aug. 25, 2008
The bad news about GARDASIL vaccine keeps getting worse and it was only a matter of time before government health officials promoted an "epidemic" to deflect attention from GARDASIL risks and create an excuse to point accusing fingers at parents who decline to give their children one or more of the 16 federally promoted vaccines.
They did the same thing in 1985, when publicity about DPT vaccine reactions prompted officials at the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics to allege there were whooping cough epidemics in eight states due to parents rejecting DPT. Then as now, the cases of disease were divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated children and adults, which is hardly big news.
The government's dire warnings came late last week after newspaper articles examined the muscle that Merck used to get GARDASIL fast tracked and licensed, followed by an aggressive multi-media advertising and lobbying campaign targeting teenage girls which has already netted the big pharmaceutical company more than $1.5 billion in sales worldwide. The New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial discussed in the Wall Street Journal asking good questions about the evidence for long term protection and cost effectiveness of mass use of GARDASIL vaccine, questions that NVIC first raised in 2007.
And new concerns are being voiced about whether the vaccine is safe to give to adolescent girls, whose bodies are undergoing hormonal changes, as no studies have been published to evaluate whether there are increased risks for vaccine reactions depending upon when the vaccine is administered during a girl's monthly hormonal cycle.
Last week, a CDC apparently weary of all the bad publicity about GARDASIL got its taxpayer-funded PR machine in gear and issued a media advisory warning that 131 cases of measles have been reported in the U.S. this year and that half of those cases involved unvaccinated children whose parents homeschooled their children or held religious or philosophical beliefs opposing use of one or more vaccines. National news stories and local news coverage examined the measles outbreaks and allegations of growing parental vaccine refusal.
The New York Times published an editorial and repeated unsubstantiated claims made by the CDC about the numbers of children, who were injured and died from measles in the past, stating that there were 400-500 deaths; 48,000 hospitalizations and 1,000 cases of brain injury out of 3-4 million measles cases every year prior to mass use of measles vaccine. A quick look at MMWR historical charts reveals that the highest number of reported cases of measles in the U.S. since 1945 (and before the measles vaccine was licensed in 1963) was 763,094 cases in 1958. Why don't CDC officials publicly release the documented cases of hospitalization, injury and death due to measles in that year - or ANY year - instead of demanding blind faith in their version of the facts? (For decades, parents have been waiting for the CDC to document the widely published allegation that there are "36,000 deaths" due to influenza every year in the U.S., a statistic that is promoted to justify new directives that every baby and child through age 18 get annual flu shots.)
The publicizing of 131 cases of measles out of a population of 300 million people in the U.S. and blaming the "outbreak" on 63 cases that occurred in unvaccinated children, whose parents hold religious or conscientious objections to vaccination or homeschool, is a transparent attempt by federal employees to persecute fellow citizens holding religious beliefs, moral convictions, intellectual positions and wellness lifestyles different from their own. Adopting a strategy that "the best defense is a good offense," CDC officials are whipping up fear of those who do not vaccinate in order to cover up a three decade refusal to scientifically investigate reports of children regressing into autism and other kinds of chronic illness after administration of MMR and other vaccines. They know the truth about vaccine risks is becoming more widely known and are lobbying hard for removal vaccine exemptions they do not control so all Americans will be forced without exception to get every vaccine marketed by industry and mandated by government officials.
The premature licensure and universal use recommendation of GARDASIL is just the latest example of what is wrong with the mass vaccination system. If there is a crisis of confidence in the safety of vaccines, which prompts parents to ask pediatricians more questions and seek alternative health care options for keeping their children well, that crisis of confidence can be laid squarely at the feet of those operating the mass vaccination system for failing to do their job. As Generation Rescue founder J.B. Handley recently commented, "Most parents I know will take measles over autism.
There is a 92 to 100 percent uptake of MMR vaccine and many other federally recommended childhood vaccines among children entering kindergarten in every state. This is one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, especially in such a large population. If the MMR vaccine is so unreliable that a few hundred cases or even a few thousand cases of measles among 300 million people is a cause for panic, then the benefits of MMR vaccine weighed against its risks are far less than industry, government and medical organizations have admitted.
In the 1960's, when the live virus measles vaccine was licensed, parents were told it would give their babies the same lifelong immunity that having the natural disease confers. By the late 1980's, it was clear that was not true because measles was occurring in both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Government officials eventually recommended another dose of measles vaccine (usually given as MMR) for all children even though there were outstanding questions about the multiplication of different genetic strains of measles and how this may affect the vaccine's ability to prevent measles on an individual and population basis long term.
Today's young mothers do not have qualitatively superior measles antibodies to transfer to their newborns to protect them in the first year of life as past generations of mothers did because most young mothers giving birth today have been vaccinated and never had measles as children, which confers lifelong immunity. So babies born today are vulnerable to measles from birth instead of from ages 15 months to six years, which is when most children in the past experienced measles by age six and severe complications were rare. For several decades, vaccinologists have been attempting to create a "high titer" EZ measles vaccine that can be given to infants under one year that will override any existing natural maternal antibodies and replace them with vaccine induced antibodies but there have been long-standing questions about EZ measles vaccine safety.
Vaccination does not mimic the natural disease process and offers only temporary immunity, which is why vaccine boosters are frequently given. Every vaccine carries a reaction risk that can be greater for some than others. Measles vaccine, which is part of the combination live virus MMR (measles-mumps- rubella) vaccine can cause brain inflammation and permanent brain damage. There have been more than 46,000 reports of health problems associated with MMR vaccination made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) . However, there is gross underreporting of vaccine- related health problems to VAERS and it is estimated that, for example, fewer than 4 percent of all cases of thrombocytopenia (potentially fatal blood disorder) following MMR vaccination are ever reported to VAERS.
The CDC's one-size-fits-all, no-exceptions MMR vaccine policies allow almost no contraindications to MMR vaccine use. According to the CDC, a child can be sick at the time of vaccination or recovering from an illness; have a fever; be taking antibiotics; have a history of allergies; or have experienced a seizure or regression after a previous MMR shot and still be eligible for more MMR vaccine. This kind of cavalier disregard for minimizing vaccine risks is one reason why more parents are questioning government vaccine policies.
Parents, whether they do or do not vaccinate their children, should become informed and clearly understand the symptoms and complications of every infectious disease, including measles. Parents who choose to vaccinate should have a 99 to 100 percent guarantee that the vaccine will, indeed protect their child. They should have a similar guarantee that the vaccine will not injure or kill their child.
Like all pharmaceutical products, vaccines should be subject to the law of supply and demand. When people are captive and unable to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccines that have been rushed to market on greased skids by federal health agencies, where every vaccine reaction is unscientifically labeled a "coincidence," the first casualty is freedom and the second is the health of innocent children.
Public health officials and pediatricians should explain why 20 percent of America's highly vaccinated child population suffers with chronic illness and disability rather than blaming parents who refuse to salute smartly and take the risk of watching the child they love become one more victim of vaccine damage.
To report a vaccine reaction to NVIC's Vaccine Reaction Registry, go to
To view vaccine reaction reports, go to the Vaccine VictimMemorial at
"Ms. Kim and Harvard colleague Sue Goldie concluded that it cost about $43,600 per "quality- adjusted life year" gained, when HPV vaccine is administered to 12-year-old girls. This falls below the $50,000 per quality-adjusted life year threshold that some researchers use as a maximum for cost- effectiveness. Other researchers use a higher maximum benchmark of $100,000 per QALY to gauge cost-effectiveness..... At least one of the factors in the primary Harvard calculations may be a relatively optimistic assumption -- that vaccination would produce lifelong immunity. Because the vaccine was only studied for five years and has been on the market for two years, no one knows for certain if its protection is lifelong, or if it wanes over time. The Harvard researchers concluded that the cost per QALY would rise if the vaccine's effect wanes after 10 years. Merck says the vaccine will offer protection well beyond five years, Dr. Haupt said. The Merck economic model that arrived at the cost per QALY below $50,000 assumed lifelong immunity, he said. Still, the study is likely to fuel skepticism about Gardasil, which has already faced questions surrounding its safety and effectiveness (Merck and the CDC maintain it is safe and effective, with the most common side effect being soreness at site of injection.)" - Peter Loftus, Wall Street Journal (August 21, 2008)
"Why has there not been any mention of the potentially adverse effects of Merck's cervical cancer vaccination, Gardasil® in relationship to the timing of the vaccination and where a young woman is in her menstrual cycle? This information is especially critical considering the vaccination is recommended for adolescent girls from the age of nine to young women up to 26-years. Why is it that women are constantly forced into a male medical model which blatantly ignores their menstrual health and administers drugs, surgeries, and vaccinations without any regard to where women are in their hormone cycle?....As the female hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease during the premenstrual phase, the female body begins the process of releasing the uterine lining in the act of menstruation. The decrease in hormones actually affects a woman's energy levels and her emotions. The immune system becomes more compromised, and that translates to a lowered defense system to fight off invading, foreign toxins..... In her 1977 groundbreaking book, "The Premenstrual Syndrome", Katharina Dalton noted that drug reactions ".....are common during the premenstruum and may follow administration of antibiotics and inoculations. Confusion may occur as to the real origin of such reactions. In double-blind, clinical trials the placebo drugs are often reported to have side effects such as increased drowsiness, headache, nausea, or increased pain; which may be no more than the usual premenstrual symptoms which have not been meticulously observed and reported." - Leslie Carol Botha and H. Sandra Chevalier-Batik, Holy Hormones (August 21, 2008)
"Measles cases in the U.S. are at the highest level in more than a decade, with nearly half of those involving children whose parents rejected vaccination, health officials reported Thursday. Worried doctors are troubled by the trend fueled by unfounded fears that vaccines may cause autism. The number of cases is still small, just 131, but that's only for the first seven months of the year. There were only 42 cases for all of last year.....The CDC's review found that a number of cases involved home-schooled children not required to get the vaccines. Others can avoid vaccination by seeking exemptions, such as for religious reasons.....The vaccine is considered highly effective but not perfect; 11 of this year's cases had at least one dose of the vaccine. Of this year's total, 122 were unvaccinated or had unknown vaccination status. Some were unvaccinated because the children were under age 1 - too young to get their first measles shot. In 63 of those cases - almost all of them 19 or under - the patient or their parents refused the shots for philosophical or religious reasons, the CDC reported. In Washington state, an outbreak was traced to a church conference, including 16 school-aged children who were not vaccinated. Eleven of those kids were home schooled and not subject to vaccination rules in public schools. It's unclear why the parents rejected the vaccine. The Illinois outbreak - triggered by a teenager who had traveled to Italy - included 25 home-schooled children, according to the CDC report." - Mike Stobbe, Associated Press (August 21, 2008)
"He was advanced for his age. He was talking when he was 11 months old," recalls Edward Delean. The father of 4 says everything changed after his now 9 year old son who has autism was vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella or MMR. It was like that was it. He never talked again, he still doesn't talk. He has about 10 words," he says, adding, "it really devastated our family. I just destroyed us." Testimonials like that have led some parents to shun vaccinations altogether. The Centers for Disease Control says measles cases have dramatically increased from 42 cases in all of last year to 131 in just the first seven months of this year because of parents who are rejecting the MMR vaccine for their kids. "It doesn't serve us well when we have government officials trying to create fear and anxiety" says Barbara Loe Fisher with the National Vaccine Information Center. She says some parents opt out of immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons. Others have said no because their kids have had adverse reactions to the vaccines that are usually given on a set schedule. "Right now we're seeing a one-size fits all approach to vaccination that doesn't really recognize that children are different, that children react differently to vaccinations," she says." - Nancy Yamada, WUSA9-TV (August 21, 2008)
from Rense.Com
UK - HPV Gardasil Circus Of Death
The British State Media Whore Big Pharma Nexus
By Philip Jones 9-3-8
On the front page of MSN UK this morning is the below article. Please note the happy faces of the three pretty young girls. I'll wager my house that following the three shot Gardasil vaccine programme being advocated to inoculate against this `killer` virus, they won't be smiling so heartily. This MSN article is typical of the mainstream media's whorish slavery to the State/Pharma Nexus. There is barely a word of truth contained in it's shoddy and poorly researched text, and yet the same rubbish or similar will be reproduced indiscriminately throughout the UK media, and believed without question by the vast majority who read it. Together with what can only be called a `Mass Marketing Campaign` for Gardasil and Merck, the Corporate Beast which produces it, it is difficult to see how one can even make a `dent` in the number of innocent young girls, whose lives will be forever affected by their parents decision to accept the Governments propaganda, and allow their daughters to receive the course of `jabs`.
The nature of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and Gardasil has been expertly covered on this site previously by Dr Tim O'Shea (HPV The First Cancer Vaccine 10-6-7) and should be read in conjunction with this article. What I want to try and illustrate here is the stranglehold that the modern Corporate State has on it's people, and how completely `plugged in` to it's `Matrix` those people are. So `plugged in` to the point where many parents in the UK for example have totally abdicated responsibility for their children. Handing them over `lock stock and barrel` to the State machine.
Before we proceed, this is what MSN has to say about HPV and the government programme associated with it: - 03.09.2008 09:01
Cervical cancer jab roll-out starts
"The Government is set to officially roll out its campaign to vaccinate young girls against a virus that causes cervical cancer.
Social networking sites have already been targeted in a bid to encourage girls to have the jab which helps protect against human Papillomavirus (HPV).
HPV is a sexually-transmitted infection that causes most cases of cervical cancer.
Schools across the UK will start vaccinating pupils aged 12 and 13 (Year 8) from this week onwards, with about 300,000 girls receiving the jab in England alone.
By July 2011, more than two million girls will have been offered the vaccine, including those up to the age of 18 as part of a catch-up programme.
The Government's campaign for England, which is launched later, includes online, press, TV and radio advertising.
A series of `road shows` will also be held in shopping centres across the country.
The Government's main campaign will run this month and next, with some follow-up advertising in February to remind girls not to miss their third and final injection.
Girls aged 17 and 18, who form part of the catch-up programme, will be the target of a different advertising campaign in October.
The HPV vaccine protects against over 70% of the strains that cause cervical cancer, which accounts for around 1,000 deaths a year in the UK".
What I will now do is debunk this piece of `hokum`, quoting real experts in the field who are in no doubt whatsoever about what the true purpose of this pernicious campaign is all about.
The Lie : HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that causes most cases of Cervical Cancer. The HPV vaccine protects against over 70% of the strains that cause Cervical Cancer.
There are over 100 strains of HPV, only 30 of which are theoretically linked to Cervical Cancer. HPV is present naturally in at least half the population without ever causing any disease whatsoever. HPV has never been proved as a pathogen for any disease. Merck, the marketers of HPV are making the ludicrous claim that the virus just happened along and attacked some healthy cells causing them to mutate and begin replicating out of control, and that is now happening on a mass scale, even though it has only recently been discovered, and that a vaccine can somehow neutralise that attack on normal cervix cells. We are in the realms here of `Junk Science`.
Merck the said Pharmaceutical Industry giant originally claimed that " There was a strong connection between HPV and cervical cancer" . Somewhere along the way, that became "is the cause of" without any medical evidence to support this claim. This is clearly more about sales and marketing than science. The vaccine itself `Gardasil` has no competition in the field and consists of `virus like ` particles from four strains of HPV. With no clinical studies whatsoever, two of these `strains` are now being touted by Merck as being responsible for 70% of all cervical cancer cases, as so erroneously quoted in the above MSN text. The insert for Gardasil makes the unproven claim, " HPV cause squamus cell, cervical cancer".
The market demographic Merck chose was pre teen 12 year old girls. But wait a minute, the average age of women who contract cervical cancer is 50 years, so why target 12 year olds. And even Merck themselves openly state that the efficacy of the vaccine is only 5 years, making it worthless by the time the subject needs the immunity, I.e. around her fiftieth birthday. Any claimed protection will have worn off long ago.. An established risk factor with cervical cancer is the number of sexual partners a woman has had. So who do you imagine will have had more, a 12 year old or a 50 year old. There is something seriously amiss with anyone who selects the former. So why are they so intent of giving it to 12 year olds, rather than what would be the correct target age if the vaccine did have any protective vale, namely women in their forties? Merck say it's because the vaccine hasn't been `safety proved` for women above 26 years of age. So as Dr O'Shea sardonically puts it `better give it to young girls then`.
The number of vicious and painful side affects to this vaccine programme are little short of frightening, and include fever, nausea, pharyngitus, dizziness, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, bronco spasm and many more. In other words, real side effects in exchange for unproven immunity (Please see the Google Videos on the link provided below).
There is even a strong probability that this under tested and unproven drug might be carcogenic in it's own right. We are dealing here with a vaccine which claims to prevent cancer by imitating a pathogen which causes cancer. Merck say about this,
"Gardasil has not been evaluated for carcogenicity or impairment to fertility".
The Reasons For The Lie :
It is in the above statement that I believe the true motives behind this programme lie. To cause sterility and or cancer in young females thereby enabling a massive advance in the Illuminati's depopulation agenda. It can be the only logical reason as to why governments in the service of the `hidden masters` would either encourage, coerce or mandate such an unsubstantiated vaccination regime and apply it to 12 year old girls when the risk group are women in their fifties, who for the most part are well past the age of conception. Furthermore, the Pharmaceuticals will once again make a fortune off the back of human suffering.
What is so worrying is that with all the mainstream avenues of information secured, and with the huge financial recourses of `Big Pharma` to drive it along, and the seemingly limitless ability of the mass of the population to just comply, comply, comply, it is difficult to how this exercise in evil can be thwarted.
Ref: Dr Tim O'Shea : HPV The First Cancer Vaccine 10.6.7 `Pharmageddon The Global War Against Women` by Kjeld Heising.
" The Matrix is a system, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside it, you look around and what do you see? Businessmen, Teachers, Lawyers, Carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be `unplugged`. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it ".
UK - HPV Gardasil Circus Of Death
The British State Media Whore Big Pharma Nexus
By Philip Jones 9-3-8
On the front page of MSN UK this morning is the below article. Please note the happy faces of the three pretty young girls. I'll wager my house that following the three shot Gardasil vaccine programme being advocated to inoculate against this `killer` virus, they won't be smiling so heartily. This MSN article is typical of the mainstream media's whorish slavery to the State/Pharma Nexus. There is barely a word of truth contained in it's shoddy and poorly researched text, and yet the same rubbish or similar will be reproduced indiscriminately throughout the UK media, and believed without question by the vast majority who read it. Together with what can only be called a `Mass Marketing Campaign` for Gardasil and Merck, the Corporate Beast which produces it, it is difficult to see how one can even make a `dent` in the number of innocent young girls, whose lives will be forever affected by their parents decision to accept the Governments propaganda, and allow their daughters to receive the course of `jabs`.
The nature of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and Gardasil has been expertly covered on this site previously by Dr Tim O'Shea (HPV The First Cancer Vaccine 10-6-7) and should be read in conjunction with this article. What I want to try and illustrate here is the stranglehold that the modern Corporate State has on it's people, and how completely `plugged in` to it's `Matrix` those people are. So `plugged in` to the point where many parents in the UK for example have totally abdicated responsibility for their children. Handing them over `lock stock and barrel` to the State machine.
Before we proceed, this is what MSN has to say about HPV and the government programme associated with it: - 03.09.2008 09:01
Cervical cancer jab roll-out starts
"The Government is set to officially roll out its campaign to vaccinate young girls against a virus that causes cervical cancer.
Social networking sites have already been targeted in a bid to encourage girls to have the jab which helps protect against human Papillomavirus (HPV).
HPV is a sexually-transmitted infection that causes most cases of cervical cancer.
Schools across the UK will start vaccinating pupils aged 12 and 13 (Year 8) from this week onwards, with about 300,000 girls receiving the jab in England alone.
By July 2011, more than two million girls will have been offered the vaccine, including those up to the age of 18 as part of a catch-up programme.
The Government's campaign for England, which is launched later, includes online, press, TV and radio advertising.
A series of `road shows` will also be held in shopping centres across the country.
The Government's main campaign will run this month and next, with some follow-up advertising in February to remind girls not to miss their third and final injection.
Girls aged 17 and 18, who form part of the catch-up programme, will be the target of a different advertising campaign in October.
The HPV vaccine protects against over 70% of the strains that cause cervical cancer, which accounts for around 1,000 deaths a year in the UK".
What I will now do is debunk this piece of `hokum`, quoting real experts in the field who are in no doubt whatsoever about what the true purpose of this pernicious campaign is all about.
The Lie : HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that causes most cases of Cervical Cancer. The HPV vaccine protects against over 70% of the strains that cause Cervical Cancer.
There are over 100 strains of HPV, only 30 of which are theoretically linked to Cervical Cancer. HPV is present naturally in at least half the population without ever causing any disease whatsoever. HPV has never been proved as a pathogen for any disease. Merck, the marketers of HPV are making the ludicrous claim that the virus just happened along and attacked some healthy cells causing them to mutate and begin replicating out of control, and that is now happening on a mass scale, even though it has only recently been discovered, and that a vaccine can somehow neutralise that attack on normal cervix cells. We are in the realms here of `Junk Science`.
Merck the said Pharmaceutical Industry giant originally claimed that " There was a strong connection between HPV and cervical cancer" . Somewhere along the way, that became "is the cause of" without any medical evidence to support this claim. This is clearly more about sales and marketing than science. The vaccine itself `Gardasil` has no competition in the field and consists of `virus like ` particles from four strains of HPV. With no clinical studies whatsoever, two of these `strains` are now being touted by Merck as being responsible for 70% of all cervical cancer cases, as so erroneously quoted in the above MSN text. The insert for Gardasil makes the unproven claim, " HPV cause squamus cell, cervical cancer".
The market demographic Merck chose was pre teen 12 year old girls. But wait a minute, the average age of women who contract cervical cancer is 50 years, so why target 12 year olds. And even Merck themselves openly state that the efficacy of the vaccine is only 5 years, making it worthless by the time the subject needs the immunity, I.e. around her fiftieth birthday. Any claimed protection will have worn off long ago.. An established risk factor with cervical cancer is the number of sexual partners a woman has had. So who do you imagine will have had more, a 12 year old or a 50 year old. There is something seriously amiss with anyone who selects the former. So why are they so intent of giving it to 12 year olds, rather than what would be the correct target age if the vaccine did have any protective vale, namely women in their forties? Merck say it's because the vaccine hasn't been `safety proved` for women above 26 years of age. So as Dr O'Shea sardonically puts it `better give it to young girls then`.
The number of vicious and painful side affects to this vaccine programme are little short of frightening, and include fever, nausea, pharyngitus, dizziness, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, bronco spasm and many more. In other words, real side effects in exchange for unproven immunity (Please see the Google Videos on the link provided below).
There is even a strong probability that this under tested and unproven drug might be carcogenic in it's own right. We are dealing here with a vaccine which claims to prevent cancer by imitating a pathogen which causes cancer. Merck say about this,
"Gardasil has not been evaluated for carcogenicity or impairment to fertility".
The Reasons For The Lie :
It is in the above statement that I believe the true motives behind this programme lie. To cause sterility and or cancer in young females thereby enabling a massive advance in the Illuminati's depopulation agenda. It can be the only logical reason as to why governments in the service of the `hidden masters` would either encourage, coerce or mandate such an unsubstantiated vaccination regime and apply it to 12 year old girls when the risk group are women in their fifties, who for the most part are well past the age of conception. Furthermore, the Pharmaceuticals will once again make a fortune off the back of human suffering.
What is so worrying is that with all the mainstream avenues of information secured, and with the huge financial recourses of `Big Pharma` to drive it along, and the seemingly limitless ability of the mass of the population to just comply, comply, comply, it is difficult to how this exercise in evil can be thwarted.
Ref: Dr Tim O'Shea : HPV The First Cancer Vaccine 10.6.7 `Pharmageddon The Global War Against Women` by Kjeld Heising.
" The Matrix is a system, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside it, you look around and what do you see? Businessmen, Teachers, Lawyers, Carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be `unplugged`. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it ".
from Conspiracy Planet
Ending Profit Driven Mandatory Vaccination Racket
The push to keep adding more vaccines to the mandatory schedules comes directly from a purely profit motivated industry and a recent investor report estimates that the world-wide market will quadruple from about $4.3 billion in 2006 to more than $16 billion in 2016, with the biggest boost coming from kids in the US.
A November 2007 report entitled, "Pipeline and Commercial Insight: Pediatric and Adolescent Vaccines," authored by vaccine analyst, Hedwig Kresse, for the independent market analyst Datamonitor discusses the future outlook for vaccine profits.
The report provides an assessment of products and a patient-based forecast of market size and coverage rates to the year 2016, and predicts that the introduction of high price vaccines will induce rapid growth in the pediatric and adolescent vaccines market.
The report predicts that due to the "promising commercial potential" of new, high-price vaccines, the pediatric and adolescent market will quadruple from approximately $4.3 billion in 2006, to over $16 billion by 2016, across the US, the EU-five including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK, and Japan.
The crucial factor for success in the pediatric market, the report notes, is the introduction of a product into national vaccination schedules. "Along with reimbursement, this virtually guarantees the rapid uptake and continuously high coverage rates in the target population," Ms Kresse states.
As an example, she cites Wyeth’s Prevnar, as the first premium price vaccine launched in the US in 2000 for vaccinating infants against pneumonia and meningitis.
Since then, Prevnar has been added to the childhood vaccination schedules in the US and EU-five despite its high price of nearly $320 for the 4-dose regimen.
In 2006, Global sales reached almost $2 billion, making Prevnar the first vaccine to attain blockbuster status, according to the report. By 2016, Datamonitor expects the total value of the infant market for pneumococcal vaccines to increase to $2.3 billion.
In June 2006, Merck’s Gardasil was approved for cervical cancer. Because it was the first vaccine offered as a preventive measure for a form of cancer, its approval generated tremendous public attention along with pressure for healthcare authorities to make the vaccine available to teenage girls at a cost of $360 for 3 doses.
"Although most cases of cervical cancer in the developed world can be prevented through the existing pap smear screening programs, the expensive HPV vaccination has been recommended and is reimbursed for teenage girls across the US and Europe," Ms Kresse reports.
She notes that this decision is driven more by public pressure and excitement about the opportunity to vaccinate against cancer rather than by real need. The widespread publicity has led to a good uptake in the target group of adolescent girls, which is usually hard to reach for vaccination, Ms Kresse points out to investors.
Datamonitor sees a huge commercial opportunity in HPV vaccines, with annual sales of $1.4 billion in teenage girls for the seven major markets by 2016 and a cumulative catch-up opportunity in women aged 13-26 that could add up to over $17 billion until 2016.
But Ms Kresse warns investors that the "lack of medical need" for rotavirus vaccines such as RotaTeq will limit their uptake in most markets. RotaTeq is advertised to combat diarrhea that usually affects infants under the age of two, and was introduced by Merck in the US in 2006, at a price of $200 for the three-dose regimen.
According to Ms Kresse, many countries, but not the US, have refused to add the vaccine to their schedules due to cost-benefit reasons. “In the developed world, rotavirus diarrhea is rarely severe for small infants and quick and efficacious treatment is already available," she writes. "Consequently, healthcare authorities see no need to widely introduce a very expensive vaccine.”
Datamonitor estimates that annual sales will remain limited to approximately $1 billion across the 7 major markets by 2016 and predicts that the US will account for the majority of sales, being the only country to have recommended the rotavirus vaccine for all infants.
Wyeth's Prevnar vaccine came on the market in 2000 and is recommended for children under 2. The vaccine was hailed as a breakthrough and had sales of more than $1.5 billion in 2006. Prevnar is given as four shots to children between 2 and 15 months.
On September 18, 2007, NewsMax reported that the vaccine has dramatically curbed pneumonia and other serious illnesses in children but is also having an unfortunate effect: "promoting new superbugs that cause ear infections."
According to NewsMax, doctors reported finding the first such germ that is resistant to all drugs approved to treat childhood ear infections and 9 toddlers in Rochester, N.Y., have had the bug and that it also may be turning up elsewhere.
It is a strain of strep bacteria not included in the pneumococcal vaccine. Prevnar prevents seven strains responsible for most cases of pneumonia, meningitis and bloodstream infections. But dozens more strains exist and some have become resistant to antibiotics since the vaccine combats the more common strains.
If the new strains continue to spread, "it tells us the vaccine is becoming less effective" and needs to be revised, Dr Dennis Maki, infectious diseases chief at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Hospitals and Clinics, told NewsMax.
A new study in the November 8, 2007 New England Journal of Medicine by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University, supported by the United States Public Health Service, suggests that the schedule for vaccinating and revaccinating against diseases should be reevaluated and adjusted.
The study found that in many cases, the established duration of immunity for vaccines is greatly underestimated, which means that people are getting booster shots when their immunity levels do not require it and those antibody responses caused by viruses such as measles mumps, and rubella remained at protective levels for several decades and in most cases, for life.
The research also reconfirmed a previous finding by Slifka and his colleagues: that the duration of immunity after smallpox vaccination is much longer than previously thought. In that earlier study published in the journal Nature Medicine in 2003, these OHSU researchers observed surprisingly long-lived antiviral antibody responses but they were unable to measure the slow rate of decline.
The study indicates that the duration of immunity after smallpox vaccination is maintained with a calculated half-life of 92 years and that a person who has received the primary series of tetanus vaccine is likely to be protected for 3 decades.
Experts say we have allowed ourselves and our children to be overdosed through a culture dominated by industry marketing influence which has now become dangerously out of control and detrimental to our children's health. "In the 21st century, it is unacceptable to be marketing medication to infants and children that may not work," Dr Steven Czinn, chair of the department of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, told Reuters on October 11, 2007.
In the November 19, 2007 Huffington Post article, "Over Medicated and Over-Vaccinated: The Unintended Consequence of Medicines Meant to Protect," Deirdre Imus asks, "Where are the conflict-free studies that prove giving infants and children 49 immunizations - most of them by age 5, are safe and effective?"
She points out that studies have provided evidence that the over-vaccination of dogs and cats can result in numerous maladies including cancer, skin and ear conditions, arthritis, allergies, diabetes, aggression, behavior problems and other immune system dysfunctions. "There is even a name for the conditions caused by animal over-vaccination, vaccinosis," she notes.
Ms Imus also points out that the mercury-containing preservative, thimerosal, used in vaccines for over 50 years was removed from animal vaccines in 1992.
"Unfortunately for the kids," she writes, "it remained in children's vaccines for another decade and remains in some vaccines like the influenza (25 micrograms) and tetanus vaccine (25 micrograms) today and in trace amounts (3 micrograms) in some immunizations."
She says most people do not realize is that any liquid waste containing more than 200 parts per billion (ppb) mercury must be deposited at a hazardous waste site and that drinking water cannot exceed 2 ppb mercury.
"But when the influenza vaccines arrive and are injected into pregnant woman and infants as young as six months, those vaccines contain 50,000 ppb mercury," Ms Imus notes.
This amount of mercury is 250 times higher than hazardous waste, she notes, and according to EPA guidelines, this amount can only be considered safe if a person weighs 550 pounds. "Even trace amounts of mercury in vaccines can be anywhere from 600 to 2000 ppb," she warns.
On November 13, 2006,, a parent-led organization advocating vaccine safety, issued a press release to announce the results of a survey conducted October 27-30, 2006, by Zogby International of over 9,000 Americans to learn their plans for getting flu shots, their knowledge of its ingredients, and who they hold responsible for making sure vaccines are safe.
The survey showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans were unaware that most flu shots contain mercury and that they would refuse a shot with mercury. After learning that mercury is an ingredient, 74% of those polled said they were less likely to get a flu shot and 86% of parents said they were less likely to allow their child to get a shot.
Lisa Handley is a founding parent of, whose son Jamison had an adverse reaction to a flu shot with mercury in 2003. "I know firsthand how life-changing a flu shot with mercury can be, since our son began his regression into autism after his flu shot," she states.
"With everything we know about the dangers of mercury and the havoc it can wreak on young, developing brains, there is no excuse for any vaccine to contain mercury," says Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, President of SafeMinds, a nonprofit organization committed to ending mercury-induced neurological disorders.
"The survey reveals that Americans are overwhelmingly in the dark about what is in most flu shots," Ms Redwood stated in the press release.
"They do not want a known neurotoxin injected into their children, and they believe Congress and medical professionals must be more vigilant about keeping vaccines safe and mercury-free," she added.
PutChildrenFirst also advises that two recent studies in leading medical journals admitted that limited data exists to support the effectiveness of flu vaccines. One study, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, noted that, "there is scant data on the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccine in young children," the release notes.
According to Ms Imus, we are beginning to see prescribed vaccines, like the whole cell DPT and Rotovirus, which are later found to be unsafe.
"While physicians warn the public about the over use of antibiotics," she points out, "it is the physicians themselves that over-prescribed these antibiotics for every ailment under the sun."
"And like antibiotics," she writes, "every time a new vaccine was developed, it quickly found its way onto the immunization schedule along with the recommended booster shots."
"We are now reaping the unintended consequences of the overuse of these medical interventions," she states. "Instead of being healthier, we have a nation of very sick children."
Forcing parents to inject poisonous concoctions into innocent, helpless children against their will is a gross violation of their most basic parental rights.
Evelyn Pringle
(Evelyn Pringle is an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government and corporate America)
Ending Profit Driven Mandatory Vaccination Racket
The push to keep adding more vaccines to the mandatory schedules comes directly from a purely profit motivated industry and a recent investor report estimates that the world-wide market will quadruple from about $4.3 billion in 2006 to more than $16 billion in 2016, with the biggest boost coming from kids in the US.
A November 2007 report entitled, "Pipeline and Commercial Insight: Pediatric and Adolescent Vaccines," authored by vaccine analyst, Hedwig Kresse, for the independent market analyst Datamonitor discusses the future outlook for vaccine profits.
The report provides an assessment of products and a patient-based forecast of market size and coverage rates to the year 2016, and predicts that the introduction of high price vaccines will induce rapid growth in the pediatric and adolescent vaccines market.
The report predicts that due to the "promising commercial potential" of new, high-price vaccines, the pediatric and adolescent market will quadruple from approximately $4.3 billion in 2006, to over $16 billion by 2016, across the US, the EU-five including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK, and Japan.
The crucial factor for success in the pediatric market, the report notes, is the introduction of a product into national vaccination schedules. "Along with reimbursement, this virtually guarantees the rapid uptake and continuously high coverage rates in the target population," Ms Kresse states.
As an example, she cites Wyeth’s Prevnar, as the first premium price vaccine launched in the US in 2000 for vaccinating infants against pneumonia and meningitis.
Since then, Prevnar has been added to the childhood vaccination schedules in the US and EU-five despite its high price of nearly $320 for the 4-dose regimen.
In 2006, Global sales reached almost $2 billion, making Prevnar the first vaccine to attain blockbuster status, according to the report. By 2016, Datamonitor expects the total value of the infant market for pneumococcal vaccines to increase to $2.3 billion.
In June 2006, Merck’s Gardasil was approved for cervical cancer. Because it was the first vaccine offered as a preventive measure for a form of cancer, its approval generated tremendous public attention along with pressure for healthcare authorities to make the vaccine available to teenage girls at a cost of $360 for 3 doses.
"Although most cases of cervical cancer in the developed world can be prevented through the existing pap smear screening programs, the expensive HPV vaccination has been recommended and is reimbursed for teenage girls across the US and Europe," Ms Kresse reports.
She notes that this decision is driven more by public pressure and excitement about the opportunity to vaccinate against cancer rather than by real need. The widespread publicity has led to a good uptake in the target group of adolescent girls, which is usually hard to reach for vaccination, Ms Kresse points out to investors.
Datamonitor sees a huge commercial opportunity in HPV vaccines, with annual sales of $1.4 billion in teenage girls for the seven major markets by 2016 and a cumulative catch-up opportunity in women aged 13-26 that could add up to over $17 billion until 2016.
But Ms Kresse warns investors that the "lack of medical need" for rotavirus vaccines such as RotaTeq will limit their uptake in most markets. RotaTeq is advertised to combat diarrhea that usually affects infants under the age of two, and was introduced by Merck in the US in 2006, at a price of $200 for the three-dose regimen.
According to Ms Kresse, many countries, but not the US, have refused to add the vaccine to their schedules due to cost-benefit reasons. “In the developed world, rotavirus diarrhea is rarely severe for small infants and quick and efficacious treatment is already available," she writes. "Consequently, healthcare authorities see no need to widely introduce a very expensive vaccine.”
Datamonitor estimates that annual sales will remain limited to approximately $1 billion across the 7 major markets by 2016 and predicts that the US will account for the majority of sales, being the only country to have recommended the rotavirus vaccine for all infants.
Wyeth's Prevnar vaccine came on the market in 2000 and is recommended for children under 2. The vaccine was hailed as a breakthrough and had sales of more than $1.5 billion in 2006. Prevnar is given as four shots to children between 2 and 15 months.
On September 18, 2007, NewsMax reported that the vaccine has dramatically curbed pneumonia and other serious illnesses in children but is also having an unfortunate effect: "promoting new superbugs that cause ear infections."
According to NewsMax, doctors reported finding the first such germ that is resistant to all drugs approved to treat childhood ear infections and 9 toddlers in Rochester, N.Y., have had the bug and that it also may be turning up elsewhere.
It is a strain of strep bacteria not included in the pneumococcal vaccine. Prevnar prevents seven strains responsible for most cases of pneumonia, meningitis and bloodstream infections. But dozens more strains exist and some have become resistant to antibiotics since the vaccine combats the more common strains.
If the new strains continue to spread, "it tells us the vaccine is becoming less effective" and needs to be revised, Dr Dennis Maki, infectious diseases chief at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Hospitals and Clinics, told NewsMax.
A new study in the November 8, 2007 New England Journal of Medicine by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University, supported by the United States Public Health Service, suggests that the schedule for vaccinating and revaccinating against diseases should be reevaluated and adjusted.
The study found that in many cases, the established duration of immunity for vaccines is greatly underestimated, which means that people are getting booster shots when their immunity levels do not require it and those antibody responses caused by viruses such as measles mumps, and rubella remained at protective levels for several decades and in most cases, for life.
The research also reconfirmed a previous finding by Slifka and his colleagues: that the duration of immunity after smallpox vaccination is much longer than previously thought. In that earlier study published in the journal Nature Medicine in 2003, these OHSU researchers observed surprisingly long-lived antiviral antibody responses but they were unable to measure the slow rate of decline.
The study indicates that the duration of immunity after smallpox vaccination is maintained with a calculated half-life of 92 years and that a person who has received the primary series of tetanus vaccine is likely to be protected for 3 decades.
Experts say we have allowed ourselves and our children to be overdosed through a culture dominated by industry marketing influence which has now become dangerously out of control and detrimental to our children's health. "In the 21st century, it is unacceptable to be marketing medication to infants and children that may not work," Dr Steven Czinn, chair of the department of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, told Reuters on October 11, 2007.
In the November 19, 2007 Huffington Post article, "Over Medicated and Over-Vaccinated: The Unintended Consequence of Medicines Meant to Protect," Deirdre Imus asks, "Where are the conflict-free studies that prove giving infants and children 49 immunizations - most of them by age 5, are safe and effective?"
She points out that studies have provided evidence that the over-vaccination of dogs and cats can result in numerous maladies including cancer, skin and ear conditions, arthritis, allergies, diabetes, aggression, behavior problems and other immune system dysfunctions. "There is even a name for the conditions caused by animal over-vaccination, vaccinosis," she notes.
Ms Imus also points out that the mercury-containing preservative, thimerosal, used in vaccines for over 50 years was removed from animal vaccines in 1992.
"Unfortunately for the kids," she writes, "it remained in children's vaccines for another decade and remains in some vaccines like the influenza (25 micrograms) and tetanus vaccine (25 micrograms) today and in trace amounts (3 micrograms) in some immunizations."
She says most people do not realize is that any liquid waste containing more than 200 parts per billion (ppb) mercury must be deposited at a hazardous waste site and that drinking water cannot exceed 2 ppb mercury.
"But when the influenza vaccines arrive and are injected into pregnant woman and infants as young as six months, those vaccines contain 50,000 ppb mercury," Ms Imus notes.
This amount of mercury is 250 times higher than hazardous waste, she notes, and according to EPA guidelines, this amount can only be considered safe if a person weighs 550 pounds. "Even trace amounts of mercury in vaccines can be anywhere from 600 to 2000 ppb," she warns.
On November 13, 2006,, a parent-led organization advocating vaccine safety, issued a press release to announce the results of a survey conducted October 27-30, 2006, by Zogby International of over 9,000 Americans to learn their plans for getting flu shots, their knowledge of its ingredients, and who they hold responsible for making sure vaccines are safe.
The survey showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans were unaware that most flu shots contain mercury and that they would refuse a shot with mercury. After learning that mercury is an ingredient, 74% of those polled said they were less likely to get a flu shot and 86% of parents said they were less likely to allow their child to get a shot.
Lisa Handley is a founding parent of, whose son Jamison had an adverse reaction to a flu shot with mercury in 2003. "I know firsthand how life-changing a flu shot with mercury can be, since our son began his regression into autism after his flu shot," she states.
"With everything we know about the dangers of mercury and the havoc it can wreak on young, developing brains, there is no excuse for any vaccine to contain mercury," says Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, President of SafeMinds, a nonprofit organization committed to ending mercury-induced neurological disorders.
"The survey reveals that Americans are overwhelmingly in the dark about what is in most flu shots," Ms Redwood stated in the press release.
"They do not want a known neurotoxin injected into their children, and they believe Congress and medical professionals must be more vigilant about keeping vaccines safe and mercury-free," she added.
PutChildrenFirst also advises that two recent studies in leading medical journals admitted that limited data exists to support the effectiveness of flu vaccines. One study, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, noted that, "there is scant data on the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccine in young children," the release notes.
According to Ms Imus, we are beginning to see prescribed vaccines, like the whole cell DPT and Rotovirus, which are later found to be unsafe.
"While physicians warn the public about the over use of antibiotics," she points out, "it is the physicians themselves that over-prescribed these antibiotics for every ailment under the sun."
"And like antibiotics," she writes, "every time a new vaccine was developed, it quickly found its way onto the immunization schedule along with the recommended booster shots."
"We are now reaping the unintended consequences of the overuse of these medical interventions," she states. "Instead of being healthier, we have a nation of very sick children."
Forcing parents to inject poisonous concoctions into innocent, helpless children against their will is a gross violation of their most basic parental rights.
Evelyn Pringle
(Evelyn Pringle is an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government and corporate America)
From Natural News.Com
Vaccines Found to Cause Diabetes in Children
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 by: David Gutierrez
Key concepts: Diabetes, Vaccines and Type 2 diabetes
(NaturalNews) Two new studies showing that vaccines increase the risk of diabetes have been published in the Open Pediatric Medicine Journal.
In a prior study, published in the journal Autoimmunity, Dr. J. Bartholomew Classen of Classen Immunotherapies and David Carey Classen of the University of Utah compared more than 100,000 children who had received between one and four doses of the hemophilus vaccine with more than 100,000 unvaccinated children. The Classens found that after seven years, children in the vaccination group had a 26 percent higher risk of developing diabetes than children in the non-vaccine group. This amounted to an extra 54 cases of diabetes per 100,000 children vaccinated.
The Classens noted that the vaccine itself is only projected to prevent seven deaths and seven to 26 cases of permanent disability per 100,000 children.
"Our results conclusively prove there is a causal relationship between immunization schedules and diabetes," J. Bartholomew Classen said at the time.
In the more recent study, Classen examined data on the same vaccine, this time looking only at children who had a sibling with Type 2 diabetes. He found that the hemophilus vaccine led to an extra case of diabetes in one of every 50 such children, or 2 percent. This is 40 times higher than the already-elevated rate found in the Autoimmunity study.
"The recent data shows that common childhood vaccines are especially dangerous to children with a strong family history of diabetes," Classen said. "Parents of a child with a strong family history of insulin-dependent diabetes ... should know that the administration of a full series of vaccines may have a greater than 5 percent chance of causing their child to develop diabetes."
Another study, published in the same issue of the Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, demonstrated a connection between the hepatitis B vaccine and Type 2 diabetes.
Vaccines Found to Cause Diabetes in Children
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 by: David Gutierrez
Key concepts: Diabetes, Vaccines and Type 2 diabetes
(NaturalNews) Two new studies showing that vaccines increase the risk of diabetes have been published in the Open Pediatric Medicine Journal.
In a prior study, published in the journal Autoimmunity, Dr. J. Bartholomew Classen of Classen Immunotherapies and David Carey Classen of the University of Utah compared more than 100,000 children who had received between one and four doses of the hemophilus vaccine with more than 100,000 unvaccinated children. The Classens found that after seven years, children in the vaccination group had a 26 percent higher risk of developing diabetes than children in the non-vaccine group. This amounted to an extra 54 cases of diabetes per 100,000 children vaccinated.
The Classens noted that the vaccine itself is only projected to prevent seven deaths and seven to 26 cases of permanent disability per 100,000 children.
"Our results conclusively prove there is a causal relationship between immunization schedules and diabetes," J. Bartholomew Classen said at the time.
In the more recent study, Classen examined data on the same vaccine, this time looking only at children who had a sibling with Type 2 diabetes. He found that the hemophilus vaccine led to an extra case of diabetes in one of every 50 such children, or 2 percent. This is 40 times higher than the already-elevated rate found in the Autoimmunity study.
"The recent data shows that common childhood vaccines are especially dangerous to children with a strong family history of diabetes," Classen said. "Parents of a child with a strong family history of insulin-dependent diabetes ... should know that the administration of a full series of vaccines may have a greater than 5 percent chance of causing their child to develop diabetes."
Another study, published in the same issue of the Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, demonstrated a connection between the hepatitis B vaccine and Type 2 diabetes.
HPV Vaccine Causes 21 Deaths And Counting
By Tim Waggoner 8-20-8
New England Journal of Medicine claims that only about 10% of drug induced side effects are reported
OTTAWA -- Critics say that the reasons to avoid using the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, continue to pile up in the form of thousands of instances of severe side effects, including numerous deaths.
In response to the mounting evidence that the vaccine may not be safe for widespread use, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) is slated to release a study in October that will attempt to determine the validity of these reports.
Judicial Watch, a public interest group, has closely monitored Gardasil since it was released by creator Merck in 2006, periodically detailing statistics on the numerous side effects users have experienced. The most recent report alleges that the drug has been responsible for 21 deaths and 9,749 adverse reactions, including 78 outbreaks of genital warts and 10 miscarriages.
By Tim Waggoner 8-20-8
New England Journal of Medicine claims that only about 10% of drug induced side effects are reported
OTTAWA -- Critics say that the reasons to avoid using the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, continue to pile up in the form of thousands of instances of severe side effects, including numerous deaths.
In response to the mounting evidence that the vaccine may not be safe for widespread use, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) is slated to release a study in October that will attempt to determine the validity of these reports.
Judicial Watch, a public interest group, has closely monitored Gardasil since it was released by creator Merck in 2006, periodically detailing statistics on the numerous side effects users have experienced. The most recent report alleges that the drug has been responsible for 21 deaths and 9,749 adverse reactions, including 78 outbreaks of genital warts and 10 miscarriages.
“I am opposed to the mind control
of soldiers by the fluoridation
of water on military bases.”
James Vincent Forrestal, first secretary of defense of U. S.
“I doubt that anyone who has never seen teeth mottled from excess fluoride can imagine how unattractive they cause a child to be. Such a mouth is similar to that of a person who has been chewing tobacco. Because I have seen these teeth, I can sympathize with the heartbroken mother who wrote me about her boy. She is blaming herself because she has ruined her son’s appearance by giving him, while a baby, drops containing fluoride. His permanent teeth, now erupting, are each horribly stained an ugly brown. Unfortunately, her report is only one of many I receive; and several dentists have told me that they have frequently seen ugly fluoride mottling in children given such drops. That an excess in fluoride intake can cause lifelong mottling of teeth is well known. read
of soldiers by the fluoridation
of water on military bases.”
James Vincent Forrestal, first secretary of defense of U. S.
“I doubt that anyone who has never seen teeth mottled from excess fluoride can imagine how unattractive they cause a child to be. Such a mouth is similar to that of a person who has been chewing tobacco. Because I have seen these teeth, I can sympathize with the heartbroken mother who wrote me about her boy. She is blaming herself because she has ruined her son’s appearance by giving him, while a baby, drops containing fluoride. His permanent teeth, now erupting, are each horribly stained an ugly brown. Unfortunately, her report is only one of many I receive; and several dentists have told me that they have frequently seen ugly fluoride mottling in children given such drops. That an excess in fluoride intake can cause lifelong mottling of teeth is well known. read
via Reuters
Second Thoughts about Fluoride,' Reports Scientific American
NEW YORK, Jan. 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "Some recent studies suggest that over-consumption of fluoride can raise the risks of disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland," reports Scientific American editors (January 2008). "Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift," writes author Dan Fagin.
"Fluoride, the most consumed drug in the USA, is deliberately added to 2/3 of public water supplies theoretically to reduce tooth decay, but with no scientifically-valid evidence proving safety or effectiveness," says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.
Fagin, award-wining environmental reporter and Director of New York University's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program, writes, "There is no universally accepted optimal level for daily intake of fluoride." Some researchers even wonder whether the 1 mg/L added into drinking water is too much, reports Fagin.
After 3 years of scrutinizing hundreds of studies, a National Research Council (NRC) committee "concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid -- the gland that produces hormones regulating growth and metabolism," reports Fagin.
Fagin quotes John Doull, professor emeritus of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, who chaired the NRC committee thusly, "The thyroid changes do worry me."
Fluoride in foods, beverages, medicines and dental products can result in fluoride over-consumption, visible in young children as dental fluorosis -- white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth. We can't normally see fluoride's effects to the rest of the body.
Reports Fagin, "a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower IQ."
"(E)pidemiological studies and tests on lab animals suggest that high fluoride exposure increases the risk of bone fracture, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly and diabetics," writes Fagin.
Fagin interviewed Steven Levy, director of the Iowa Fluoride Study which tracked about 700 Iowa children for sixteen years. Nine-year-old "Iowa children who lived in communities where the water was fluoridated were 50 percent more likely to have mild fluorosis... than [nine-year-old] children living in nonfluoridated areas of the state," writes Fagin. Levy will study fluoride's effects on their bones.
Over 1200 professionals urge Congress to cease water fluoridation and conduct Congressional hearings because scientific evidence indicates fluoridation is ineffective and has serious health risks. Support them; write your representative
Paul Beeber, Esq.
Second Thoughts about Fluoride,' Reports Scientific American
NEW YORK, Jan. 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "Some recent studies suggest that over-consumption of fluoride can raise the risks of disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland," reports Scientific American editors (January 2008). "Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift," writes author Dan Fagin.
"Fluoride, the most consumed drug in the USA, is deliberately added to 2/3 of public water supplies theoretically to reduce tooth decay, but with no scientifically-valid evidence proving safety or effectiveness," says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.
Fagin, award-wining environmental reporter and Director of New York University's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program, writes, "There is no universally accepted optimal level for daily intake of fluoride." Some researchers even wonder whether the 1 mg/L added into drinking water is too much, reports Fagin.
After 3 years of scrutinizing hundreds of studies, a National Research Council (NRC) committee "concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid -- the gland that produces hormones regulating growth and metabolism," reports Fagin.
Fagin quotes John Doull, professor emeritus of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, who chaired the NRC committee thusly, "The thyroid changes do worry me."
Fluoride in foods, beverages, medicines and dental products can result in fluoride over-consumption, visible in young children as dental fluorosis -- white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth. We can't normally see fluoride's effects to the rest of the body.
Reports Fagin, "a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower IQ."
"(E)pidemiological studies and tests on lab animals suggest that high fluoride exposure increases the risk of bone fracture, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly and diabetics," writes Fagin.
Fagin interviewed Steven Levy, director of the Iowa Fluoride Study which tracked about 700 Iowa children for sixteen years. Nine-year-old "Iowa children who lived in communities where the water was fluoridated were 50 percent more likely to have mild fluorosis... than [nine-year-old] children living in nonfluoridated areas of the state," writes Fagin. Levy will study fluoride's effects on their bones.
Over 1200 professionals urge Congress to cease water fluoridation and conduct Congressional hearings because scientific evidence indicates fluoridation is ineffective and has serious health risks. Support them; write your representative
Paul Beeber, Esq.
The Abbreviated
July 27, 2008 — Stefan Fobes
by Stefan Fobes
Seen as a victory by American anti-vaccine advocates and as an historic admission by the US government that vaccines cause autism, the Department of Health & Human Services recently conceded in a lawsuit that five vaccines simultaneously given to a Georgia girl, Hannah Poling when she was 19 months old, “aggravated a rare underlying metabolic condition that resulted in a brain disorder with features of autism spectrum disorder”. The sick crap about these vaccine cases is that you cannot sue the manufacturers directly. They are held in a special vaccine “court” and the best outcome possible even in there is to get some money from a federal vaccine fund. Even if a person believes the government is good and loving, and of course, there are people who do lie to milk some payments for themselves, but this unreasonable scorched earth policy is the smoking gun proof in this pudding of the Siamese twin style relationship between the government and the drug companies.
The government and medical associations insist that vaccines are 100% safe, and that there’s zero proof of any link between them and autism, despite all of the evidence pointing in the opposite direction. Safe? Hell, maybe the government’s right and what happened to little Hannah Poling is just an isolated case. Maybe not, though. Judicial Watch found, through a Freedom of Information Act request, that there were over 8,000 adverse reaction reports related to Merck’s HPV Gardasil vaccine in the two years since it has been approved for girls. These include the experiences of: Jamie Venice, who passed out and had a seizure after her shot, and three others who got paralyzed after theirs, and a dozen deaths to top it all off. The FDA, in an email to CBS, said none of these events are surprising to them, nor are the faintings that are “a common event” with teens and young adults after vaccinations. I bet if you asked the FDA about the Russian spy guy who had all the radioactive poison in his body before he died, they’d have said he was Olympic ready!
read whole article
July 27, 2008 — Stefan Fobes
by Stefan Fobes
Seen as a victory by American anti-vaccine advocates and as an historic admission by the US government that vaccines cause autism, the Department of Health & Human Services recently conceded in a lawsuit that five vaccines simultaneously given to a Georgia girl, Hannah Poling when she was 19 months old, “aggravated a rare underlying metabolic condition that resulted in a brain disorder with features of autism spectrum disorder”. The sick crap about these vaccine cases is that you cannot sue the manufacturers directly. They are held in a special vaccine “court” and the best outcome possible even in there is to get some money from a federal vaccine fund. Even if a person believes the government is good and loving, and of course, there are people who do lie to milk some payments for themselves, but this unreasonable scorched earth policy is the smoking gun proof in this pudding of the Siamese twin style relationship between the government and the drug companies.
The government and medical associations insist that vaccines are 100% safe, and that there’s zero proof of any link between them and autism, despite all of the evidence pointing in the opposite direction. Safe? Hell, maybe the government’s right and what happened to little Hannah Poling is just an isolated case. Maybe not, though. Judicial Watch found, through a Freedom of Information Act request, that there were over 8,000 adverse reaction reports related to Merck’s HPV Gardasil vaccine in the two years since it has been approved for girls. These include the experiences of: Jamie Venice, who passed out and had a seizure after her shot, and three others who got paralyzed after theirs, and a dozen deaths to top it all off. The FDA, in an email to CBS, said none of these events are surprising to them, nor are the faintings that are “a common event” with teens and young adults after vaccinations. I bet if you asked the FDA about the Russian spy guy who had all the radioactive poison in his body before he died, they’d have said he was Olympic ready!
read whole article
Gardasil clinical trials -- Placebo
Cynthia A. Janak Cynthia A. Janak
July 23, 2008
Link with Graphs
When we as a people hear about clinical studies and the word 'Placebo' comes up we think that it contains nothing more than a solution of saline (salt water) or is nothing more than a sugar pill. In clinical trials this would be called the control group.
What I want to do is get into a little history behind 'Placebo' taken from one of my favorite reference sites Wikipedia.
Originally, a placebo was a substance that a well-meaning doctor would give to a patient, telling him that it was a powerful drug (e.g., a painkiller), when in fact it was nothing more than a sugar pill. Thus, Hooper's medical dictionary of 1811 says placebo is "an epithet given to any medicine adapted more to please than benefit the patient." The subsequent reduction of the patient's symptoms was attributed to the patient's faith in his doctor and hence his belief in the drug. (This category, particularly before the first Medicines Act was passed, may merge into fake medicines.)
So, pretty much, my thoughts of a 'Placebo' were that it is was nothing more than a harmless salt-water solution or pill. I have also done a quick poll of my friends and they have the same thoughts as I do in regards to the definition of 'Placebo.'
Why am I bringing your attention to one insignificant word? It is because in recent days this word has become very significant in the clinical trials of Gardasil and other vaccines and drugs. How so, you ask? It is because Merck and other pharmaceutical companies have a different idea of what a 'Placebo' really is in clinical trials.
What I have before me is a 464 page document that was further brought to my attention by another researcher. This person made several comments as to the studies that made me further scrutinize this document.
What I am going to do is show you the proof that Merck, in my opinion, intentionally mislead the public and the FDA with their reports and graphs by using something other than a saline placebo in their clinical trials.
In this FDA document I want you to note that Study 018 is the only study where a saline placebo was used. All the other studies the placebo had 'amophous aluminum hydroxide sulfate.'
I have a problem with these numbers of the non-alum placebo group. I am going to show you why with the next tables from a fifteen page document from Merck.
What I am going to reference here is page 11.
You can see that there is a big difference here. Let us take a layman's look at these events.
Pain, I can see that there would be comments about pain because you are getting a needle stuck in your arm and stuff being forcibly injected under the skin. But why such an increase between the aluminum and the saline? Could there be an issue with the aluminum and the immune system? Could be!
Swelling, that makes sense too because you are getting stuff injected in one area so you should have some swelling. Again, a dramatic increase in the aluminum over the saline.
Erythema, considering that you have been stuck with a needle and stuff is injected in the arm you could experience reddening so this one makes sense also.
Pruritus, is more of an allergic reaction because the definition of this is an intense feeling of itchiness. I would equate it to a mosquito bite maybe. We are allergic to the mosquito venom so we itch. I want to point out the difference here. You are seeing a huge increase in the allergic reaction between the aluminum and the saline.
Let us go on to the next chart. As you can see the Merck people intentionally combined the Aluminum Placebo group with the Saline Placebo group. I find it interesting how the percentage difference in Systemic Adverse Experiences changes when you combine the Saline Placebo with the Aluminum Placebo. It does not look so bad now does it? Any lay person would think that the vaccine was pretty safe with these numbers.
My question is how the heck did the FDA buy into this? I thought that they were professionals that understood and critiqued these studies before approval. My opinion of them has changed dramatically.
Now let us look at table 7. Merck did the same thing with this one. They merged the saline group with the aluminum group to make the numbers appear to be in their favor. Once again, did not the FDA pick up on this obvious deception? I guess not.
Let us compare table 237 and table 7. This makes me wonder how truthful the title is in table 237.
I have a problem with these two sets of numbers. How could we have such a difference in the saline group and the aluminum group in table 6 but you do not have much of a difference with table 237 and table 7? I would think that the percentages would be more in line with each other. Could this be location or ethnic difference depending on where the study was taken? I do not know. The other thing that bothers me is that if you are giving someone a true saline placebo why are they having any side-effects at all except for pain? If someone could explain this to me I would appreciate it.
I could not wait for an answer on this so I did some digging and found a study called "Merck & Co., Inc. Study Synopsis."
This study along with asking a few questions from a friend at a university for clarification, my question that I proposed was answered. Here is what I found.
In the study group 018 the saline placebo was not a true saline placebo. This placebo was a non-alum carrier solution placebo. What that means is that the HPV virus and the virus-like particles are omitted along with the aluminum adjudicant. You can see that with these two charts.
What I find interesting here is that the FDA document Table 7 (the first table I presented) tells us it is only a saline solution but in this Merck document it states that it was a carrier solution and not saline only.
With this new information, it is my opinion, that Merck snowed the FDA into believing that this vaccine was safe. They omitted information from the FDA document that could have proved that this vaccine was not safe. I do not think that the FDA would have approved this vaccine if they had all the information.
Another thing that I have noticed since writing all my articles on this vaccine is that the Quadrivalent HPV (6, 11, 16, 18) L1 VLP are not the major cause of the side-effects that we are seeing today. What I have found by looking at all the studies and charts it is the ingredients of the 'carrier solution' and the aluminum adjuvant that are the causes of the majority of the side-effects.
So logically I cannot say that the vaccine is the cause of the horrendous side-effects that I have been reporting about. It is Merck's addition of the 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant), 9.56 mg of sodium chloride, 0.78 mg of L-histidine, 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, 35 mcg of sodium borate, and intentional, in my opinion, omission in the reporting of the ingredients of the so called saline placebo to the FDA.
So given all the information that I have accumulated over the last year and a half on Gardasil, it is my opinion, that Merck has been negligent and willfully omitted information that could have postponed the approval of their vaccine. It is my opinion that they felt that they were in a race to get their HPV vaccine to market first and reap the benefits that an aggressive marketing campaign to the public and the doctors. It is also my opinion that Merck is also responsible for the doctors not having all the information presented to them to make an educated decision whether to push this vaccine on to their patients.
NOTE: If anyone is curious about the ingredients in vaccines and you live in the Illinois or Indiana area please come to the Trinity Christian College, Ozinga Chapel, 6601 West College Drive, Palos Heights, Illinois 60463. The speakers for this event will be Mary Tocco, Mayer Eisenstein, M.D. and Dr. Ashly Ochsner. Call this number for tickets. 708-349-0040
Cynthia A. Janak Cynthia A. Janak
July 23, 2008
Link with Graphs
When we as a people hear about clinical studies and the word 'Placebo' comes up we think that it contains nothing more than a solution of saline (salt water) or is nothing more than a sugar pill. In clinical trials this would be called the control group.
What I want to do is get into a little history behind 'Placebo' taken from one of my favorite reference sites Wikipedia.
Originally, a placebo was a substance that a well-meaning doctor would give to a patient, telling him that it was a powerful drug (e.g., a painkiller), when in fact it was nothing more than a sugar pill. Thus, Hooper's medical dictionary of 1811 says placebo is "an epithet given to any medicine adapted more to please than benefit the patient." The subsequent reduction of the patient's symptoms was attributed to the patient's faith in his doctor and hence his belief in the drug. (This category, particularly before the first Medicines Act was passed, may merge into fake medicines.)
So, pretty much, my thoughts of a 'Placebo' were that it is was nothing more than a harmless salt-water solution or pill. I have also done a quick poll of my friends and they have the same thoughts as I do in regards to the definition of 'Placebo.'
Why am I bringing your attention to one insignificant word? It is because in recent days this word has become very significant in the clinical trials of Gardasil and other vaccines and drugs. How so, you ask? It is because Merck and other pharmaceutical companies have a different idea of what a 'Placebo' really is in clinical trials.
What I have before me is a 464 page document that was further brought to my attention by another researcher. This person made several comments as to the studies that made me further scrutinize this document.
What I am going to do is show you the proof that Merck, in my opinion, intentionally mislead the public and the FDA with their reports and graphs by using something other than a saline placebo in their clinical trials.
In this FDA document I want you to note that Study 018 is the only study where a saline placebo was used. All the other studies the placebo had 'amophous aluminum hydroxide sulfate.'
I have a problem with these numbers of the non-alum placebo group. I am going to show you why with the next tables from a fifteen page document from Merck.
What I am going to reference here is page 11.
You can see that there is a big difference here. Let us take a layman's look at these events.
Pain, I can see that there would be comments about pain because you are getting a needle stuck in your arm and stuff being forcibly injected under the skin. But why such an increase between the aluminum and the saline? Could there be an issue with the aluminum and the immune system? Could be!
Swelling, that makes sense too because you are getting stuff injected in one area so you should have some swelling. Again, a dramatic increase in the aluminum over the saline.
Erythema, considering that you have been stuck with a needle and stuff is injected in the arm you could experience reddening so this one makes sense also.
Pruritus, is more of an allergic reaction because the definition of this is an intense feeling of itchiness. I would equate it to a mosquito bite maybe. We are allergic to the mosquito venom so we itch. I want to point out the difference here. You are seeing a huge increase in the allergic reaction between the aluminum and the saline.
Let us go on to the next chart. As you can see the Merck people intentionally combined the Aluminum Placebo group with the Saline Placebo group. I find it interesting how the percentage difference in Systemic Adverse Experiences changes when you combine the Saline Placebo with the Aluminum Placebo. It does not look so bad now does it? Any lay person would think that the vaccine was pretty safe with these numbers.
My question is how the heck did the FDA buy into this? I thought that they were professionals that understood and critiqued these studies before approval. My opinion of them has changed dramatically.
Now let us look at table 7. Merck did the same thing with this one. They merged the saline group with the aluminum group to make the numbers appear to be in their favor. Once again, did not the FDA pick up on this obvious deception? I guess not.
Let us compare table 237 and table 7. This makes me wonder how truthful the title is in table 237.
I have a problem with these two sets of numbers. How could we have such a difference in the saline group and the aluminum group in table 6 but you do not have much of a difference with table 237 and table 7? I would think that the percentages would be more in line with each other. Could this be location or ethnic difference depending on where the study was taken? I do not know. The other thing that bothers me is that if you are giving someone a true saline placebo why are they having any side-effects at all except for pain? If someone could explain this to me I would appreciate it.
I could not wait for an answer on this so I did some digging and found a study called "Merck & Co., Inc. Study Synopsis."
This study along with asking a few questions from a friend at a university for clarification, my question that I proposed was answered. Here is what I found.
In the study group 018 the saline placebo was not a true saline placebo. This placebo was a non-alum carrier solution placebo. What that means is that the HPV virus and the virus-like particles are omitted along with the aluminum adjudicant. You can see that with these two charts.
What I find interesting here is that the FDA document Table 7 (the first table I presented) tells us it is only a saline solution but in this Merck document it states that it was a carrier solution and not saline only.
With this new information, it is my opinion, that Merck snowed the FDA into believing that this vaccine was safe. They omitted information from the FDA document that could have proved that this vaccine was not safe. I do not think that the FDA would have approved this vaccine if they had all the information.
Another thing that I have noticed since writing all my articles on this vaccine is that the Quadrivalent HPV (6, 11, 16, 18) L1 VLP are not the major cause of the side-effects that we are seeing today. What I have found by looking at all the studies and charts it is the ingredients of the 'carrier solution' and the aluminum adjuvant that are the causes of the majority of the side-effects.
So logically I cannot say that the vaccine is the cause of the horrendous side-effects that I have been reporting about. It is Merck's addition of the 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant), 9.56 mg of sodium chloride, 0.78 mg of L-histidine, 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, 35 mcg of sodium borate, and intentional, in my opinion, omission in the reporting of the ingredients of the so called saline placebo to the FDA.
So given all the information that I have accumulated over the last year and a half on Gardasil, it is my opinion, that Merck has been negligent and willfully omitted information that could have postponed the approval of their vaccine. It is my opinion that they felt that they were in a race to get their HPV vaccine to market first and reap the benefits that an aggressive marketing campaign to the public and the doctors. It is also my opinion that Merck is also responsible for the doctors not having all the information presented to them to make an educated decision whether to push this vaccine on to their patients.
NOTE: If anyone is curious about the ingredients in vaccines and you live in the Illinois or Indiana area please come to the Trinity Christian College, Ozinga Chapel, 6601 West College Drive, Palos Heights, Illinois 60463. The speakers for this event will be Mary Tocco, Mayer Eisenstein, M.D. and Dr. Ashly Ochsner. Call this number for tickets. 708-349-0040
From American Association of Health
FDA Reports 1 death per month related to Gardasil
The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) believes that the right of the consumer to choose and the practitioner to practice relates to all health care choices, including vaccination. AAHF is an advocate for opt-in (as opposed to mandatory) policies for vaccines, particularly the HPV vaccine.
As the news article below details, Gardasil, the vaccine created and marketed by Merck, is causing one death per month and numerous, serious reactions according to a recent FDA report.
Despite this information Merck continues to promote Gardasil and push to make the vaccine mandatory in all states through an intense lobbying effort. Unfortunately, many states rushed to add Gardisal to the ever-growing list of mandatory vaccines last year. Almost every state introduced legislation in 2007 regarding the HPV vaccine. Our 2007 Government Affairs Annual Report addresses this topic under a special section entitled “Hot Issue”. (Note to members, you will be emailed your copy of the report this week!)
Our CAM-V initiative (Campaign Against Mandatory Vaccinations) is headed by renowned vaccination expert, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and is lead by our state chapters. If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact Director of State Chapters, Sara Donlon at or 614.888.7351.
Controversial HPV Vaccine Causing One Death Per Month: FDA Report 140 "serious" adverse reactions, including 27 "life threatening" cases, 10 spontaneous abortions, and 6 cases of the debilitating Guillain-Barre Syndrome reported since January 2008
By Peter J. Smith
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 3, 2008 ( - One death per month is the average loss of life associated with the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil according to an FDA report obtained by a government watchdog agency.
Merck, the makers of Gardasil, are poised to make profits in the billions from the vaccine, which protects against some cancer-causing forms of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV), but the pharmaceutical giant has come under heavy criticism for fast-tracking the drug onto the market without adequate testing in order to beat out its rivals...
The full text of the story is available at:
FDA Reports 1 death per month related to Gardasil
The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) believes that the right of the consumer to choose and the practitioner to practice relates to all health care choices, including vaccination. AAHF is an advocate for opt-in (as opposed to mandatory) policies for vaccines, particularly the HPV vaccine.
As the news article below details, Gardasil, the vaccine created and marketed by Merck, is causing one death per month and numerous, serious reactions according to a recent FDA report.
Despite this information Merck continues to promote Gardasil and push to make the vaccine mandatory in all states through an intense lobbying effort. Unfortunately, many states rushed to add Gardisal to the ever-growing list of mandatory vaccines last year. Almost every state introduced legislation in 2007 regarding the HPV vaccine. Our 2007 Government Affairs Annual Report addresses this topic under a special section entitled “Hot Issue”. (Note to members, you will be emailed your copy of the report this week!)
Our CAM-V initiative (Campaign Against Mandatory Vaccinations) is headed by renowned vaccination expert, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and is lead by our state chapters. If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact Director of State Chapters, Sara Donlon at or 614.888.7351.
Controversial HPV Vaccine Causing One Death Per Month: FDA Report 140 "serious" adverse reactions, including 27 "life threatening" cases, 10 spontaneous abortions, and 6 cases of the debilitating Guillain-Barre Syndrome reported since January 2008
By Peter J. Smith
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 3, 2008 ( - One death per month is the average loss of life associated with the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil according to an FDA report obtained by a government watchdog agency.
Merck, the makers of Gardasil, are poised to make profits in the billions from the vaccine, which protects against some cancer-causing forms of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV), but the pharmaceutical giant has come under heavy criticism for fast-tracking the drug onto the market without adequate testing in order to beat out its rivals...
The full text of the story is available at:
From Alternet:
The Startling Truth About Doctors and Diagnostic Errors
Despite all of the talk about medical errors and patient safety, almost no one likes to talk about diagnostic errors. Yet doctors misdiagnose patients more often than we would like to think. Sometimes they diagnose patients with illnesses they don't have. Other times, the true condition is missed. All in all, diagnostic errors account for 17 percent of adverse events in hospitals, according to the Harvard Medical Practice Study, a landmark study that looks at medical errors.
Traditionally, these errors have not received much attention from researchers or the public. This is understandable. Thinking about missed diagnosis and wrong diagnosis makes everyone -- patients as well as doctors -- queasy. Especially because there is no obvious solution. But this past weekend the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) made a brave effort to spotlight the problem, holding its first-ever "Diagnostic Error in Medicine" conference.
Hats off to Bob Wachter, associate chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and the keynote speaker at the conference. Wachter shared some thoughts on diagnostic errors through his blog Wachter's World. read
The Startling Truth About Doctors and Diagnostic Errors
Despite all of the talk about medical errors and patient safety, almost no one likes to talk about diagnostic errors. Yet doctors misdiagnose patients more often than we would like to think. Sometimes they diagnose patients with illnesses they don't have. Other times, the true condition is missed. All in all, diagnostic errors account for 17 percent of adverse events in hospitals, according to the Harvard Medical Practice Study, a landmark study that looks at medical errors.
Traditionally, these errors have not received much attention from researchers or the public. This is understandable. Thinking about missed diagnosis and wrong diagnosis makes everyone -- patients as well as doctors -- queasy. Especially because there is no obvious solution. But this past weekend the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) made a brave effort to spotlight the problem, holding its first-ever "Diagnostic Error in Medicine" conference.
Hats off to Bob Wachter, associate chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and the keynote speaker at the conference. Wachter shared some thoughts on diagnostic errors through his blog Wachter's World. read
From American Free Press
Former Head of NIH Says Link Between Autism & Vaccines Should Be Investigated
By Melanie Phillips
Good to see that the Telegraph of London has picked up on developments I wrote about here in the U.S., where a head of official steam is building behind the perception that there is a troubling relationship between certain childhood vaccines, including MMR (mumps/measles/ rubella), and autistic symptoms and other damage in a subset of particularly vulnerable children. As I have written, this has been prompted by recent U.S. cases in which multiple vaccinations have aggravated an underlying mitochondrial weakness to produce catastrophic effects, leading Dr. Bernardine Healy, the former head of the National Institutes of Health, to tell CBS News:
“I think that the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the [autism link to vaccination] hypothesis as irrational.”
In addition, the Telegraph reported this: “The vaccine hypothesis was bolstered recently by a five-year study in monkeys who were given the same vaccinations that American children are routinely given. Last week, Dr. Laura Hewitson, a specialist in obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, told the International Meeting for Autism Research in London that in the double-blind placebo-controlled study, 13 vaccinated animals showed increased aggression, impaired cognitive skills and developmental delay. The three unvaccinated animals in the study developed normally.” read
Former Head of NIH Says Link Between Autism & Vaccines Should Be Investigated
By Melanie Phillips
Good to see that the Telegraph of London has picked up on developments I wrote about here in the U.S., where a head of official steam is building behind the perception that there is a troubling relationship between certain childhood vaccines, including MMR (mumps/measles/ rubella), and autistic symptoms and other damage in a subset of particularly vulnerable children. As I have written, this has been prompted by recent U.S. cases in which multiple vaccinations have aggravated an underlying mitochondrial weakness to produce catastrophic effects, leading Dr. Bernardine Healy, the former head of the National Institutes of Health, to tell CBS News:
“I think that the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the [autism link to vaccination] hypothesis as irrational.”
In addition, the Telegraph reported this: “The vaccine hypothesis was bolstered recently by a five-year study in monkeys who were given the same vaccinations that American children are routinely given. Last week, Dr. Laura Hewitson, a specialist in obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, told the International Meeting for Autism Research in London that in the double-blind placebo-controlled study, 13 vaccinated animals showed increased aggression, impaired cognitive skills and developmental delay. The three unvaccinated animals in the study developed normally.” read
From Natural News:
The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript) Friday, May 30, 2008 by: Mike Adams
They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing. Yes, you heard that right. They said they are about three years behind the brains of other children. Everything else was normal. They said if they wait three years those children will catch up and turn out just fine.
The Drugs Don't Work
It was a team of American scientists researching what is called the "Multi-Modal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD -- MTA for short. They found that the drugs are useless over long-term. The drugs used to treat ADHD such as Ritalin and Concerta are useless. They have no benefits whatsoever after three years and even though they may show some short-term benefits depending on who is watching, and depending on their judgment of the child's behavior, the truth is there is no long-term benefit whatsoever. But here's the most important part.
They found that these drugs stunt the growth of children. "They were not growing as much as other children in terms of both their height and their weight," said the report's co-author, Prof. William Pelham from the University of Buffalo. "I think we exaggerated the beneficial impact of medication in the first study," he added in reference to a study they did a few years ago where they declared that these drugs were helping children. read
The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript) Friday, May 30, 2008 by: Mike Adams
They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing. Yes, you heard that right. They said they are about three years behind the brains of other children. Everything else was normal. They said if they wait three years those children will catch up and turn out just fine.
The Drugs Don't Work
It was a team of American scientists researching what is called the "Multi-Modal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD -- MTA for short. They found that the drugs are useless over long-term. The drugs used to treat ADHD such as Ritalin and Concerta are useless. They have no benefits whatsoever after three years and even though they may show some short-term benefits depending on who is watching, and depending on their judgment of the child's behavior, the truth is there is no long-term benefit whatsoever. But here's the most important part.
They found that these drugs stunt the growth of children. "They were not growing as much as other children in terms of both their height and their weight," said the report's co-author, Prof. William Pelham from the University of Buffalo. "I think we exaggerated the beneficial impact of medication in the first study," he added in reference to a study they did a few years ago where they declared that these drugs were helping children. read
From Natural News:
Tamiflu Bird Flu Vaccine Linked With Convulsions, Delirium and Bizarre Deaths
Thursday, May 29, 2008 by: David Gutierrez
(NaturalNews) An FDA advisory panel has recommended stronger warnings on two influenza drugs after reviewing evidence linking them to neurological and psychiatric problems that have led to deaths in some cases.

The current warning on Roche Laboratories' Tamiflu (generic name oseltamivir) urges close monitoring of flu patients, particularly children, for "increased risk of self injury and confusion shortly after taking Tamiflu." The panel recommended that this warning be strengthened to say that "in some cases, these behaviors resulted in serious injuries, including death, in adult and pediatric patients." read
Tamiflu Bird Flu Vaccine Linked With Convulsions, Delirium and Bizarre Deaths
Thursday, May 29, 2008 by: David Gutierrez
(NaturalNews) An FDA advisory panel has recommended stronger warnings on two influenza drugs after reviewing evidence linking them to neurological and psychiatric problems that have led to deaths in some cases.

The current warning on Roche Laboratories' Tamiflu (generic name oseltamivir) urges close monitoring of flu patients, particularly children, for "increased risk of self injury and confusion shortly after taking Tamiflu." The panel recommended that this warning be strengthened to say that "in some cases, these behaviors resulted in serious injuries, including death, in adult and pediatric patients." read
Insane NY Bill Makes All Federal Vaccines Mandatory
Act now to stop the worst vaccine law ever proposed in New York since the invention of the mandatory schedule. Assembly Bill 10942 would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for all children to attend school and, and for the first time vaccines would become mandatory for infants and toddlers. read
Insane NY Bill Makes All Federal Vaccines Mandatory
Act now to stop the worst vaccine law ever proposed in New York since the invention of the mandatory schedule. Assembly Bill 10942 would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for all children to attend school and, and for the first time vaccines would become mandatory for infants and toddlers. read
From Rense.Com
The Truth About Homeopathy
Dispelling The MYTHS That Surround It
By Louise Mclean
Editor, Zeus Information Service - 5-27-8
In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing art and science. Homeopaths are given few opportunities in the media to defend their profession, so a lot of misconceptions abound. The medical profession in general presents a fierce and blinkered opposition, yet as Big Pharma is learning of all sorts of amazing cured cases, they are determined to stamp out competition via EU regulation.
Myth No. 1 Homeopathic medicines cure nothing.
Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's OWN healing mechanisms, through like for like. A substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure the same symptoms in a sick person by giving a minute, highly potentised dose of that substance acting as a catalyst to jump start their own healing mechanisms.
Everyone of us has our own natural innate healing powers. All that is needed is the correct stimulus to kick start it. In healthy people this may just be rest and good food but many people become 'stuck' in their physical, emotional or mental illness and cannot recover. Of course there are different levels of health and the choice of potency given should reflect that. Low potencies are given for very physically ill people and higher for those whose problems are emotional or of the mind. Homeopathy is very successful in treating emotional problems such as stress, anxiety and fears. read
The Truth About Homeopathy
Dispelling The MYTHS That Surround It
By Louise Mclean
Editor, Zeus Information Service - 5-27-8
In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing art and science. Homeopaths are given few opportunities in the media to defend their profession, so a lot of misconceptions abound. The medical profession in general presents a fierce and blinkered opposition, yet as Big Pharma is learning of all sorts of amazing cured cases, they are determined to stamp out competition via EU regulation.
Myth No. 1 Homeopathic medicines cure nothing.
Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's OWN healing mechanisms, through like for like. A substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure the same symptoms in a sick person by giving a minute, highly potentised dose of that substance acting as a catalyst to jump start their own healing mechanisms.
Everyone of us has our own natural innate healing powers. All that is needed is the correct stimulus to kick start it. In healthy people this may just be rest and good food but many people become 'stuck' in their physical, emotional or mental illness and cannot recover. Of course there are different levels of health and the choice of potency given should reflect that. Low potencies are given for very physically ill people and higher for those whose problems are emotional or of the mind. Homeopathy is very successful in treating emotional problems such as stress, anxiety and fears. read
GARDASIL Vaccine Turns Girl into a Gimp?

Gardasil's ad campaign of "One Less" is working. Now there is one less healthy child in the world. The main stream article below admits Gardasil does not even work. "Even with the vaccination, women still need to be screened for cervical cancer."
KSL - GARDASIL is the world's first vaccine against cervical cancer. Its FDA approval triggered efforts across the nation to mandate shots for school girls, but did doctors jump on the bandwagon too soon? read

Gardasil's ad campaign of "One Less" is working. Now there is one less healthy child in the world. The main stream article below admits Gardasil does not even work. "Even with the vaccination, women still need to be screened for cervical cancer."
KSL - GARDASIL is the world's first vaccine against cervical cancer. Its FDA approval triggered efforts across the nation to mandate shots for school girls, but did doctors jump on the bandwagon too soon? read
First-ever government review of fluoride/thyroid toxicology shows risk . 2008-05-19 15:54:10
There is clear evidence that small amounts of fluoride, at or near levels added to U.S. water supplies,
present potential risks to the thyroid gland, according to the National Research Council's (NRC) first-ever published review of the fluoride/thyroid literature.(A)
Fluoride, in the form of silicofluorides, injected into 2/3 of U.S. public water supplies, ostensibly to reduce tooth decay, was never safety-tested.(B)
"Many Americans are exposed to fluoride in the ranges associated with thyroid effects, especially for people with iodine deficiency," says Kathleen Thiessen, PhD, co-author of the government-sponsored NRC report. "The recent decline in iodine intake in the U.S could
contribute to increased toxicity of fluoride for some individuals," says Thiessen. read
There is clear evidence that small amounts of fluoride, at or near levels added to U.S. water supplies,
present potential risks to the thyroid gland, according to the National Research Council's (NRC) first-ever published review of the fluoride/thyroid literature.(A)
Fluoride, in the form of silicofluorides, injected into 2/3 of U.S. public water supplies, ostensibly to reduce tooth decay, was never safety-tested.(B)
"Many Americans are exposed to fluoride in the ranges associated with thyroid effects, especially for people with iodine deficiency," says Kathleen Thiessen, PhD, co-author of the government-sponsored NRC report. "The recent decline in iodine intake in the U.S could
contribute to increased toxicity of fluoride for some individuals," says Thiessen. read
From Natural News:
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Heparin Contamination Fiasco Reveals Dirty Secret of Drug Industry: Their Pills are Made in China! by: Mike Adams
NaturalNews) Remember a couple of years ago how the FDA warned Americans not to buy prescription drugs from Canada because they might be "contaminated by terrorists?" I'm not making that up: That was the official announcement of an FDA spokesperson, and it was part of their fear strategy for enforcing a monopoly on U.S. consumers so that Big Pharma could continue engaging in rampant price fixing.
The implication in that warning is that drugs purchased in the United States are therefore safer, correct? What the FDA didn't tell anyone, however, is that most pharmaceuticals purchased in the United States are manufactured outside the U.S.; many from China or Puerto Rico. So they're not even made in the U.S. anyway, and drug companies are simply importing them from other countries just like a consumer might do if she drove across the border and bought her medications in Canada or Mexico.

Thursday, May 01, 2008
Heparin Contamination Fiasco Reveals Dirty Secret of Drug Industry: Their Pills are Made in China! by: Mike Adams
NaturalNews) Remember a couple of years ago how the FDA warned Americans not to buy prescription drugs from Canada because they might be "contaminated by terrorists?" I'm not making that up: That was the official announcement of an FDA spokesperson, and it was part of their fear strategy for enforcing a monopoly on U.S. consumers so that Big Pharma could continue engaging in rampant price fixing.
The implication in that warning is that drugs purchased in the United States are therefore safer, correct? What the FDA didn't tell anyone, however, is that most pharmaceuticals purchased in the United States are manufactured outside the U.S.; many from China or Puerto Rico. So they're not even made in the U.S. anyway, and drug companies are simply importing them from other countries just like a consumer might do if she drove across the border and bought her medications in Canada or Mexico.
From Yahoo News
Anti-psychotic drug use soars in US, 6 times UK children
By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer Mon May 5, 12:15 AM ET
CHICAGO - American children take anti-psychotic medicines at about six times the rate of children in the United Kingdom, according to a comparison based on a new U.K. study.

Does it mean U.S. kids are being over-treated? Or that U.K. children are being under-treated?
Experts say that's almost beside the point, because use is rising on both sides of the Atlantic. And with scant long-term safety data, it's likely the drugs are being over-prescribed for both U.S. and U.K. children, research suggests.
Among the most commonly used drugs were those to treat autism and hyperactivity.
In the U.K. study, anti-psychotics were prescribed for 595 children at a rate of less than four per 10,000 children in 1992. By 2005, 2,917 children were prescribed the drugs at a rate of seven per 10,000 — a near-doubling, said lead author Fariz Rani, a researcher at the University of London's pharmacy school.
The study is being released Monday in the May edition of the journal Pediatrics.
By contrast, an earlier U.S. study found that nearly 45 American children out of 10,000 used the drugs in 2001 versus more than 23 per 10,000 in 1996.
There are big differences that could help explain the vastly higher U.S. rate.
A recent report in The Lancet suggested that the U.K.'s universal health care system limits prescribing practices there. The report also said direct-to-consumer ads are more common in the United States. These ads raise consumer awareness and demand for medication.
While drug company ties with doctors are common in both the U.S. and U.K., Vanderbilt University researcher Wayne Ray said U.K. physicians generally are more conservative about prescribing psychiatric drugs. Ray co-authored the U.S. study, published in 2004.
The new U.K. study, involving 1992-2005 health records of more than 16,000 children, is the first large examination of these drugs in U.K. children. It found the increase was mostly in medicines that haven't been officially approved for kids. They were most commonly prescribed for behavior and conduct disorders, which include attention deficit disorder.
Side effects including weight gain, nervous-system problems and heart trouble have been reported in children using these drugs and there's little long-term evidence about whether they're safe for them, the study authors said.
"This highlights the need for long-term safety investigations and ongoing clinical monitoring," they said, "particularly if the prescribing rate of these medicines continues to rise."
One of the most commonly used anti-psychotics in the U.K. study was Risperdal, a schizophrenia drug that is sometimes used to treat irritability and aggression in autism. Its side effects include drowsiness and weight gain.
Thioridazine, sometimes used to treat hyperactivity in attention deficit disorder, was frequently used early on. Its use decreased after 2000 when a U.K. safety committee warned of heart-related side effects, the authors said.
Reasons for the increases are uncertain but may be similar to those in the United States, such as an increase in autism cases and drug industry influence.
In both countries, the issue isn't simply how many children are getting these drugs, said Dr. David Fassler, a University of Vermont psychiatry professor. "The more important question is whether or not the right kids are getting the most appropriate and effective treatment possible," he said. Fassler wasn't involved in the study.
Dr. William Cooper, a Vanderbilt pediatrician, said the study shows the drugs are being used "without full understanding about the risks."
"I find it really interesting that we're now seeing increases in other countries besides the U.S., which suggests that the magnitude of this issue is global," said Cooper, also an author of the 2004 U.S. study.
Anti-psychotic drug use soars in US, 6 times UK children
By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer Mon May 5, 12:15 AM ET
CHICAGO - American children take anti-psychotic medicines at about six times the rate of children in the United Kingdom, according to a comparison based on a new U.K. study.

Does it mean U.S. kids are being over-treated? Or that U.K. children are being under-treated?
Experts say that's almost beside the point, because use is rising on both sides of the Atlantic. And with scant long-term safety data, it's likely the drugs are being over-prescribed for both U.S. and U.K. children, research suggests.
Among the most commonly used drugs were those to treat autism and hyperactivity.
In the U.K. study, anti-psychotics were prescribed for 595 children at a rate of less than four per 10,000 children in 1992. By 2005, 2,917 children were prescribed the drugs at a rate of seven per 10,000 — a near-doubling, said lead author Fariz Rani, a researcher at the University of London's pharmacy school.
The study is being released Monday in the May edition of the journal Pediatrics.
By contrast, an earlier U.S. study found that nearly 45 American children out of 10,000 used the drugs in 2001 versus more than 23 per 10,000 in 1996.
There are big differences that could help explain the vastly higher U.S. rate.
A recent report in The Lancet suggested that the U.K.'s universal health care system limits prescribing practices there. The report also said direct-to-consumer ads are more common in the United States. These ads raise consumer awareness and demand for medication.
While drug company ties with doctors are common in both the U.S. and U.K., Vanderbilt University researcher Wayne Ray said U.K. physicians generally are more conservative about prescribing psychiatric drugs. Ray co-authored the U.S. study, published in 2004.
The new U.K. study, involving 1992-2005 health records of more than 16,000 children, is the first large examination of these drugs in U.K. children. It found the increase was mostly in medicines that haven't been officially approved for kids. They were most commonly prescribed for behavior and conduct disorders, which include attention deficit disorder.
Side effects including weight gain, nervous-system problems and heart trouble have been reported in children using these drugs and there's little long-term evidence about whether they're safe for them, the study authors said.
"This highlights the need for long-term safety investigations and ongoing clinical monitoring," they said, "particularly if the prescribing rate of these medicines continues to rise."
One of the most commonly used anti-psychotics in the U.K. study was Risperdal, a schizophrenia drug that is sometimes used to treat irritability and aggression in autism. Its side effects include drowsiness and weight gain.
Thioridazine, sometimes used to treat hyperactivity in attention deficit disorder, was frequently used early on. Its use decreased after 2000 when a U.K. safety committee warned of heart-related side effects, the authors said.
Reasons for the increases are uncertain but may be similar to those in the United States, such as an increase in autism cases and drug industry influence.
In both countries, the issue isn't simply how many children are getting these drugs, said Dr. David Fassler, a University of Vermont psychiatry professor. "The more important question is whether or not the right kids are getting the most appropriate and effective treatment possible," he said. Fassler wasn't involved in the study.
Dr. William Cooper, a Vanderbilt pediatrician, said the study shows the drugs are being used "without full understanding about the risks."
"I find it really interesting that we're now seeing increases in other countries besides the U.S., which suggests that the magnitude of this issue is global," said Cooper, also an author of the 2004 U.S. study.

Heparin Contamination Fiasco Reveals Dirty Secret of Drug Industry: Their Pills are Made in China!
(NaturalNews) Remember a couple of years ago how the FDA warned Americans not to buy prescription drugs from Canada because they might be "contaminated by terrorists?" I'm not making that up: That was the official announcement of an FDA spokesperson, and it was part of their fear strategy for enforcing a monopoly on U.S. consumers so that Big Pharma could continue engaging in rampant price fixing. more

From How Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy's Son Recovered From Autism
In this CNN op-ed piece, actors Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy reflect on their son’s recovery from autism in light of the recent federal court decision which conceded that vaccines could have contributed to another child’s autistic condition.
Carrey and McCarthy’s son, Evan, has been healed thanks to breakthroughs that may not be scientifically proven, but have definitely helped, such as a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for the yeast overgrowths that plagued his intestines. Once his neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him learn the skills he could not learn while he was frozen in autism.
When Evan was re-evaluated after these treatments, state workers were amazed by his improvement. But although Evan is now 5, not a single member of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, or any other health authority has asked to evaluate and understand how Evan recovered from autism. Instead, they simply posit that he was misdiagnosed and never had autism to begin with.
Carrey and McCarthy believe that autism is an environmental illness, and that while vaccines are not the only environmental trigger, they do play a major role. Even if the CDC is not convinced of a link between vaccines and autism, changing the vaccine schedule should be seriously considered as a precautionary measure.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Aspartame and the brain
As Americans, we assume and insist that our food be safe. We'll take spinach off the market the minute there's even a hint of e Coli. We're paranoid about mad cow disease. But when it comes to our beloved sugar? We'll go around and around and around about the safety of aspartame until we're blue in the face. We just don't want to admit that maybe we should not be insisting and expecting that we get to be healthy and have our sweeteners (and fake sweeteners) too.
Twelve years ago I wrote the American Dietetic Association's first book ever on eating disorders. Back then, I found a peer-reviewed reference on aspartame, suggesting that it had a particular ability to have a negative effect on individuals with a history of depression. In the years since, I've shared that reference with clients, challenged them to clear their systems of aspartame for 6 weeks, then go back and try a little bit of it to see how they feel. I've yet to have a single person come back to report they'd gotten back on it once they'd cleared their systems.
The problem is, aspartame was not intended to be consumed in large quantities by a population of people who insisted on being in denial about what it means to have insatiable cravings for a refined compound with no nutritional value. And while it started out in soft drinks, it eventually showed up in yogurts, and protein powders, and anything food manufacturers could think of to make a buck off of our addiction. As aspartame gradually crept into the food supply, and accumulated in larger and larger amounts in our bodies...we lost the ability to even remember how we felt when we were completely off the stuff. Which is why I love the power of my "washout experiment".
Now, it seems, there is more information suggesting that aspartame may not be so great for the brain. This new study is not even cited yet in Pub Med as I write this. I don't normally do this in this blog, but I am pasting the entire release for anyone who would like to evaluate the information for themselves.
A few years ago there was an aspartame e-mail circulating the Internet that quickly became regarded as urban legend. It illustrated the importance of doing your homework before speaking out about anything. The person who circulated this piece used a fake name, and did not take the time to gather data and citations. So most scientists dismissed the warning. I'd already seen the aspartame/depression study at this time. I was perturbed at the well-intended person who was more engaged in stirring up controversy than in helping people, because, having read that there may be some REAL dangers with aspartame, I knew that when those were eventually elucidated, it was going to be even harder to convince hard scientists that these dangers existed because they'd immediately think of the earlier "aspartame urban legend" and associate any other warnings with this irresponsible piece of Internet writing.
Which is why I'm giving you my source. Whether or not you use artifical sweeteners is your choice. But remember, as you've seen before in this blog, in medicine and science, there is no such thing as a perfect choice. Every food, every supplement, every treatment, you choose to try, has its benefits as well as its risks. Perhaps the best way for you to decide for yourself, is to try my washout challenge. What matters is not what a panel of experts says about aspartame in general, but how aspartame makes you feel. Only you know this, and the only person who gets to decide whether or not you should use it...should be you.
Below the review is the reference for the old study I mention as well.
Review raises questions over aspartame and brain health
By staff reporter
03-Apr-2008 - Excessive intake of aspartame may inhibit the ability of enzymes in the brain to function normally, suggests a new review that could fan the flames of controversy over the sweetener.
The review, by scientists from the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo and published recently in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicated that high consumption of the sweetener may lead to neurodegeneration.
Aspartame is made up of phenylalanine (50 per cent), aspartic acid (40 per cent) and methanol (10 per cent). It is commonly used in food products for the diet or low calorie market, including soft drinks and chewing gums. It was approved for use in foods in the US and EU member states in the early 1980s.
The sweetener has caused much controversy amid suspicions on whether it is entirely safe, with studies linking the ingredient and cancer in rats.
It has also previously been found that aspartame consumption can cause neurological and behavioural disturbances in sensitive individuals. Symptoms that have been reported include headaches, insomnia and seizures.
Despite strong concerns being raised from some quarters over the sweetener, both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not changed their guidelines regarding the safety of the ingredient or intake advice.
The new review also challenges finding published last year in the journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology (Informa Healthcase) that considered over 500 studies, articles and reports conducted over the last 25 years - including work that was not published, but that was submitted to government bodies as part of the regulatory approvals process.
The earlier review concluded: "The weight of existing evidence is that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption… No credible evidence was found that aspartame is carcinogenic, neurotoxic, or has any other adverse effect on health when consumed even at quantities many times the established ADI [acceptable daily intake] levels."
New review
Writing in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a Nature journal, the scientists behind the new review state: "The aim of this study was to discuss the direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain, and we propose that excessive aspartame ingestion might be involved in the pathogenesis of certain mental disorders, and also in compromised learning and emotional functioning."
The researchers found a number of direct and indirect changes that occur in the brain as a result of high consumption levels of aspartame, leading to neurodegeneration.
They found aspartame can disturb the metabolism of amino acids, protein structure and metabolism, the integrity of nucleic acids, neuronal function and endocrine balances. It also may change the brain concentrations of catecholamines, which include norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine.
Additionally, they said the breakdown of aspartame causes nerves to fire excessively, which can indirectly lead to a high rate of neuron depolarisation.
The researchers added: "The energy systems for certain required enzyme reactions become compromised, thus indirectly leading to the inability of enzymes to function optimally.
"The ATP stores [adenosine triphosphate] in the cells are depleted, indicating that low concentrations of glucose are present in the cells, and this in turn will indirectly decrease the synthesis of acetylcholine, glutamate and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)."
Furthermore, the functioning of glutamate as an excitatory neurotransmitter is inhibited as a result of the intracellular calcium uptake being altered, and mitochondria are damaged, which the researchers said could lead to apoptosis (cell death) of cells and also a decreased rate of oxidative metabolism.
As a result of their study, the researchers said more testing is required to further determine the health effects on aspartame and bring an end to the controversy.
Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2008, doi: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602866
"Direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain"
Authors: P. Humphries, E. Pretorius, H. Naude
Biol Psychiatry. 1993 Jul 1-15;34(1-2):13-7. Links
Adverse reactions to aspartame: double-blind challenge in patients from a vulnerable population.Walton RG, Hudak R, Green-Waite RJ.
Department of Psychiatry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Youngstown.
This study was designed to ascertain whether individuals with mood disorders are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of aspartame. Although the protocol required the recruitment of 40 patients with unipolar depression and a similar number of individuals without a psychiatric history, the project was halted by the Institutional Review Board after a total of 13 individuals had completed the study because of the severity of reactions within the group of patients with a history of depression. In a crossover design, subjects received aspartame 30 mg/kg/day or placebo for 7 days. Despite the small n, there was a significant difference between aspartame and placebo in number and severity of symptoms for patients with a history of depression, whereas for individuals without such a history there was not. We conclude that individuals with mood disorders are particularly sensitive to this artificial sweetener and its use in this population should be discouraged.
The WebSite
Monday, April 7, 2008
Aspartame and the brain
As Americans, we assume and insist that our food be safe. We'll take spinach off the market the minute there's even a hint of e Coli. We're paranoid about mad cow disease. But when it comes to our beloved sugar? We'll go around and around and around about the safety of aspartame until we're blue in the face. We just don't want to admit that maybe we should not be insisting and expecting that we get to be healthy and have our sweeteners (and fake sweeteners) too.
Twelve years ago I wrote the American Dietetic Association's first book ever on eating disorders. Back then, I found a peer-reviewed reference on aspartame, suggesting that it had a particular ability to have a negative effect on individuals with a history of depression. In the years since, I've shared that reference with clients, challenged them to clear their systems of aspartame for 6 weeks, then go back and try a little bit of it to see how they feel. I've yet to have a single person come back to report they'd gotten back on it once they'd cleared their systems.
The problem is, aspartame was not intended to be consumed in large quantities by a population of people who insisted on being in denial about what it means to have insatiable cravings for a refined compound with no nutritional value. And while it started out in soft drinks, it eventually showed up in yogurts, and protein powders, and anything food manufacturers could think of to make a buck off of our addiction. As aspartame gradually crept into the food supply, and accumulated in larger and larger amounts in our bodies...we lost the ability to even remember how we felt when we were completely off the stuff. Which is why I love the power of my "washout experiment".
Now, it seems, there is more information suggesting that aspartame may not be so great for the brain. This new study is not even cited yet in Pub Med as I write this. I don't normally do this in this blog, but I am pasting the entire release for anyone who would like to evaluate the information for themselves.
A few years ago there was an aspartame e-mail circulating the Internet that quickly became regarded as urban legend. It illustrated the importance of doing your homework before speaking out about anything. The person who circulated this piece used a fake name, and did not take the time to gather data and citations. So most scientists dismissed the warning. I'd already seen the aspartame/depression study at this time. I was perturbed at the well-intended person who was more engaged in stirring up controversy than in helping people, because, having read that there may be some REAL dangers with aspartame, I knew that when those were eventually elucidated, it was going to be even harder to convince hard scientists that these dangers existed because they'd immediately think of the earlier "aspartame urban legend" and associate any other warnings with this irresponsible piece of Internet writing.
Which is why I'm giving you my source. Whether or not you use artifical sweeteners is your choice. But remember, as you've seen before in this blog, in medicine and science, there is no such thing as a perfect choice. Every food, every supplement, every treatment, you choose to try, has its benefits as well as its risks. Perhaps the best way for you to decide for yourself, is to try my washout challenge. What matters is not what a panel of experts says about aspartame in general, but how aspartame makes you feel. Only you know this, and the only person who gets to decide whether or not you should use it...should be you.
Below the review is the reference for the old study I mention as well.
Review raises questions over aspartame and brain health
By staff reporter
03-Apr-2008 - Excessive intake of aspartame may inhibit the ability of enzymes in the brain to function normally, suggests a new review that could fan the flames of controversy over the sweetener.
The review, by scientists from the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo and published recently in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicated that high consumption of the sweetener may lead to neurodegeneration.
Aspartame is made up of phenylalanine (50 per cent), aspartic acid (40 per cent) and methanol (10 per cent). It is commonly used in food products for the diet or low calorie market, including soft drinks and chewing gums. It was approved for use in foods in the US and EU member states in the early 1980s.
The sweetener has caused much controversy amid suspicions on whether it is entirely safe, with studies linking the ingredient and cancer in rats.
It has also previously been found that aspartame consumption can cause neurological and behavioural disturbances in sensitive individuals. Symptoms that have been reported include headaches, insomnia and seizures.
Despite strong concerns being raised from some quarters over the sweetener, both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not changed their guidelines regarding the safety of the ingredient or intake advice.
The new review also challenges finding published last year in the journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology (Informa Healthcase) that considered over 500 studies, articles and reports conducted over the last 25 years - including work that was not published, but that was submitted to government bodies as part of the regulatory approvals process.
The earlier review concluded: "The weight of existing evidence is that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption… No credible evidence was found that aspartame is carcinogenic, neurotoxic, or has any other adverse effect on health when consumed even at quantities many times the established ADI [acceptable daily intake] levels."
New review
Writing in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a Nature journal, the scientists behind the new review state: "The aim of this study was to discuss the direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain, and we propose that excessive aspartame ingestion might be involved in the pathogenesis of certain mental disorders, and also in compromised learning and emotional functioning."
The researchers found a number of direct and indirect changes that occur in the brain as a result of high consumption levels of aspartame, leading to neurodegeneration.
They found aspartame can disturb the metabolism of amino acids, protein structure and metabolism, the integrity of nucleic acids, neuronal function and endocrine balances. It also may change the brain concentrations of catecholamines, which include norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine.
Additionally, they said the breakdown of aspartame causes nerves to fire excessively, which can indirectly lead to a high rate of neuron depolarisation.
The researchers added: "The energy systems for certain required enzyme reactions become compromised, thus indirectly leading to the inability of enzymes to function optimally.
"The ATP stores [adenosine triphosphate] in the cells are depleted, indicating that low concentrations of glucose are present in the cells, and this in turn will indirectly decrease the synthesis of acetylcholine, glutamate and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)."
Furthermore, the functioning of glutamate as an excitatory neurotransmitter is inhibited as a result of the intracellular calcium uptake being altered, and mitochondria are damaged, which the researchers said could lead to apoptosis (cell death) of cells and also a decreased rate of oxidative metabolism.
As a result of their study, the researchers said more testing is required to further determine the health effects on aspartame and bring an end to the controversy.
Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2008, doi: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602866
"Direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain"
Authors: P. Humphries, E. Pretorius, H. Naude
Biol Psychiatry. 1993 Jul 1-15;34(1-2):13-7. Links
Adverse reactions to aspartame: double-blind challenge in patients from a vulnerable population.Walton RG, Hudak R, Green-Waite RJ.
Department of Psychiatry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Youngstown.
This study was designed to ascertain whether individuals with mood disorders are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of aspartame. Although the protocol required the recruitment of 40 patients with unipolar depression and a similar number of individuals without a psychiatric history, the project was halted by the Institutional Review Board after a total of 13 individuals had completed the study because of the severity of reactions within the group of patients with a history of depression. In a crossover design, subjects received aspartame 30 mg/kg/day or placebo for 7 days. Despite the small n, there was a significant difference between aspartame and placebo in number and severity of symptoms for patients with a history of depression, whereas for individuals without such a history there was not. We conclude that individuals with mood disorders are particularly sensitive to this artificial sweetener and its use in this population should be discouraged.
The WebSite
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