Melamine In China Soybeans
Fed To Organic Poultry!

By Patricia Doyle, PhD
12 -1-8

Hello Jeff - As you can see, the US has revised Melamine 'tolerable' daily intake. This is yet another travesty being perpetrated on the American public by the FDA criminals.

Are we SO indebted to China that our government would allow its people to be poisoned by Chinese food and food products? The answer is YES.

It is not just in one food item, now we see it used as fertilizer thus poisoning our crops...both organic and factory-farmed. Organic soybeans from China are contaminated with it. It is used in powdered milk thus poisoning baby formula. It is likely in other milk-based and milk-product containing products like Ensure and other medical food supplements. Just about any food on the food pyramid probably has some melamine in it now...thanks to China. The slow poisoning of an enemy would make ancient Chinese military tacticians proud.

So, people who eat more than one food item are going to be getting more than trace levels of Melamine. All products now in dairy, vegetables, bakery goods and itemsusing GLUTEN and WHEAT GLUTEN contain more Melamine. Is there any food that won't have some Melamine in it?

No wonder 'rare' kidney cancers are exploding. read