Vaccine Disease Racket

Some of the diseases caused by vaccination. It is testimony to the power of the medical cartel (derived from big brother) that they have got away with admitting just a handful. eg Chronic arthritis, Thrombocytopenic Purpura, & polio. Even when they pay out, through government, for diseases (or death) such as MS, they never actually admit, legally, any connection, and may even fix things (one euphemism used: "science has moved on") so that past payouts are now deemed not connected to any vaccine (read). See what vaccine victims go through and how they intimidated transverse myelitis experts. They have circled the wagons to deny vaccine autism, it could be the last time they manage to suppress the truth about the real effects of vaccination, let's hope it sinks the whole stinking racket. You can easily see the lies when they say MMR is safe even though they pay out for deaths. read